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Messages - Meepledrone

Pages: 1 ... 272 273 [274] 275 276 ... 323
Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 24, 2020, 03:32:02 PM »
[157.] Which is scored first, at the end of the game? The meeples moved from the market district on a field with barn or the big top?

At the end of the game, before you start with the final scoring, you will score the big top on its last location. After that, you will proceed with the scoring after the game.

You can see all the actions happening before the final scoring here (section 4. Final scoring), after selecting all the expansions interesting to you:

[158.] When do you resolve a message? If you receive 1 point for the fairy, you resolve a message between steps 1 and 2 or after step 4? If you receive points in step 2, you resolve a message between steps 2 and 3 or after step 4?

* When you get a message after scoring the 1-point fairy bonus at the start of your turn and you land on a dark space on the scoreboard, you resolve the message before drawing a tile, within phase 1. Placing a tile. See Round 1A below.
* When you score points in phase 2. Placing a meeple and land on a dark space, you resolve the message at the the end of phase 2. Placing a meeple, right before moving the dragon (if applicable) and before starting phase 3. Scoring a feature. See Round 2 below.

In general, there are up to 6 rounds of scoring that would allow you to resolve messages during your turn grouping one or more events happening at that point:

1. Placing a tile

* Round 1A - Beginning of turn (before drawing a tile):
   - Fairy point
* Round 1B - After drawing tile, before placing tile:
   - Wheel of Fortune actions
* Round 1C - After drawing and placing tile:
   - Wind rose 3 points

2. Placing a meeple

* Round 2 - End of “move wood” phase:
   - Abbot removal scoring
   - Shepherd after "Guide flock to the stable" action
   - Acrobat pyramid scoring
   - Fruit-bearing tree action

3. Scoring a feature

* Round 3 - Scoring phase:
   - Bonus scoring (pre): Watchtower, Tollhouse
   - Feature scoring: City, Road, Monastery, Castle, etc.
   - Bonus scoring (post): Markets of Leipzig, Fairy 3 points, Ringmaster points, Teacher
   - Circus scoring

4. Additional actions

* Round 4 - End of turn:
   - Catapult points

You may receive one message at most at the end of each round of scoring if any of your scoring figures moved and ended on a dark space at the end of the given round. Even if your you scoring figures moved and landed on dark spaces, you will only get one message per round of scoring.

You can check here more info about the rounds of scoring:

[159.] Which is the correct method?

a) 1. Your messenger is on 4. Your meeple is on 0. You receive a point for fairy (messenger on 5). 2. You receive 5 points for a garden (messenger on 10) and 5 for flock (messenger on 15). You receive 5 points for a castle (messenger on 20). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 2).

b) 1. Your messenger is on 4. Your meeple is on 0. You receive a point for fairy (messenger on 5). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 2). You receive 5 points for a garden (messenger on 10). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 4). You receive 5 points for flock (messenger on 15). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 6). You receive 5 points for a castle (messenger on 20). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 8 ).

c) 1. Your messenger is on 4. Your meeple is on 0. You receive a point for fairy (messenger on 5). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 2). You receive 5 points for a garden (messenger on 10). You receive 5 points for flock (messenger on 15). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 4). You receive 5 points for a castle (messenger on 20). You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 6).

The answer is c)

If we apply what we explained in the previous answer, you can see the following chain of events per phase and the corresponding messages received:

Your messenger is on 4. Your meeple is on 0.

| -->
Initial situation
1. Placing a tile
You receive a point for fairy (messenger on 5).
You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 2).

| -->
* Round 1A - Beginning of turn (before drawing a tile):
   - Fairy point
2. Placing a meeple
You receive 5 points for a garden (messenger on 10).
You receive 5 points for flock (messenger on 15).
You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 4)

| -->
* Round 2 - End of “move wood” phase:
   - Abbot removal scoring
   - Shepherd after "Guide flock to the stable" action
2. Scoring a feature
You receive 5 points for a castle (messenger on 20).
You receive a message (+2 points - meeple on 6).
| -->
* Round 3 - Scoring phase:
   - Feature scoring: Castle, etc.

You can check here more info about the rounds of scoring:

[160.] Can you place and move a meeple in/from the city of Carcassonne in the same turn?

During phase 3. Scoring a feature, for each feature to be scored:
1. Players are be allowed in turn to redeploy meeples from the city of Carcassonne to the given feature
2. The feature is scored and the meeples on the feature removed.
Once all the features are scored, if you completed one or more features but did not receive any points, you will be allowed to send a meeple to the city of Carcassonne.

So, on your turn you may of the following actions in this order
1. Place a tile completing a feature
2. Place a meeple on the feature just completed
3. Redeploy meeples from the city of Carcassonne (placed there on a previous turn) to the feature just completed
4. Score the feature
5. Return the meeples from the feature to your supply
6. Send one meeple from your supply to the city of Carcassonne.

You can see that the meeple sent to Carcassonne can be the meeple just placed, one redeployed from Carcassonne or any other from your supply.
You can revisit here the rules:,_King_and_Robber#2._Placing_a_meeple_in_the_City_of_Carcassonne

Official Rules / Re: WikiCarpedia update
« on: March 23, 2020, 02:05:37 AM »
Thank you so much, Murphy013!

On my part, this is just taking care of our child.  O0

Online Games and Competitions / Re: How to play online with my friends
« on: March 22, 2020, 04:47:13 PM »
Hi supertopix,

I just created a topic explaining how to use the "Play online" option provided by JCZ to set up network games easily. No firewall tampering required.

Check the tutorial here:

Hope this may help you.  ;D


No problem!  ;D

If there are any issues to cover, just let me know.

So you planning a round of online Carcassonne?  >:D

Hi wolnic!

Thanks for your feedback. I will add a note on the security exception for Mac. Thanks!  ;D

I have Java version 8 update 241 - (build 1.8.0_241-b07). Just freshly self-updated today.

Did you pick JDK 1.4 for any particular reason?


Hi all,

I don't know why but lately I have been asked several times about setting up online Carcassonne games using JCloisterZone.

After several session of setup on PC and Mac, I would like to share here a small cookbook:

1. Installing JCZ
2. Running JCZ
3. Setting up an online game

Hope you find is useful. All your comments are welcome.

1. Installing JCZ

1.1. Downloading JCZ.

JCZ v4.6.1 is the current version available on, which now fully implements Exp.9 - Hills & Sheep. All players should use the same version to avoid any issues.

Here you can find release 4.6.1 (latest):

1.2. Uncompressing the downloaded archive

Once you have downloaded this compressed file, you will need to uncompress it.

On PC, you can use 7-zip, available here:   

On Mac, you can use The Unarchiver, available on the Appel Store here:

1.3. Relocating the files

Once uncompressed the archive, you may copy the directory with the extracted files to a location of your choosing.

This directory will contain at least:
* JCloisterZone.jar: JAR file with the actual JCZ program
* plugins: a directory with additional .JAR files providing optional editions and expansions.

2. Running JCZ

Note: The examples below show how Vivita and Meepledrone set up a network game.

2.1. Running on PC

A. Double click on the JCloisterZone.jar file and it should open showing a "JCloisterZone" splash screen, and you are all set.

Example: Vivita gets the JCloisterZone splash screen on her PC after double clicking on file JCloisterZone.jar.

B. If nothing happens, maybe you need to run the JAR file from the command line:
- Open a command line by pressing Windows Key + R and type CMD:

Code: [Select]
Press [b]Windows Key + R[/b]

Then type to open the command line window:

Code: [Select]

Move to the directory containing the JCloisterZone.jar file by entering the following commands where <X> represents the drive letter containing the JCZ directory and "JCZ directory" is the full path to the directory with file JCloisterZone.jar.

Code: [Select]
cd "JCZ directory"

Afterwards, launch JCZ with the following command:

Code: [Select]
java -jar JCloisterZone.jar

If you get the JCloisterZone splash screen and JCZ opens, then your are done.

If these two options do not work for you, you may require to install a Java runtime. Please check here:

At the time of this tutorial, I'm using Java version 8 update 241 - (build 1.8.0_241-b07).

2.2. Running on Mac

Double click on the JCloisterZone.jar file and it should open showing a "JCloisterZone" splash screen, and you are all set.

Note: If it is the first time you run the JAR file, you may get the following message: "Unable to open app from unidentified developer". If so, press CTRL and click the JAR file to open a menu, then select Open, and click Open. The JAR is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can then open it by double-clicking. (Thanks wolnic)

Example: Meepledrone gets the JCloisterZone splash screen on his Mac after double clicking on file JCloisterZone.jar

If this failed for you and you require to install a Java runtime, please check here:

At the time of this tutorial, I'm using Java version 8 update 241 - (build 1.8.0_241-b07).

3. Setting up an online game

3.1. Connecting to the server

Right after opening JCZ, the players will get a screen with various options. In our case we ignore the messages about a new release available for the time being, if any.

All the players joining an online game will click on "Play online" (the button on the right).

Example: Vivita gets the initial screen on her PC. She will press "Play online"

At that point you get a new screen to enter your nickname for the game and to connect to the server. Choose a nickname of your liking and press "Connect".

Example: Vivita enters her nickname and then will connect to the server.

After connecting to the server you get the following screen showing players connected and games created.

Example: Vivita is the only player connected so far. She is waiting for Meepledrone to show up.

As soon as other players complete this step their nicknames will appear on the column top left.

Example: Meepledrone has just connected as shown on the game listing screen. No game has been created yet.

3.2. Creating the online game

One of the players will create a game associated to his or her nickname, by default, which all the others will connect to.

To do so, the designated player will use the suggested nickname or updated it as agreed, provide a password and press "Create game."

Example: Meepledrone enters a password he will share with Vivita. He will create an online game with the default name provided by JCZ.

The designated player will get the main screen to select the players positions and the expansions.

Example: After creating the game, Meepledrone gets the game setup screen on his Mac.

3.3. Joining the online game

The other players, still on the game list screen will see the newly created game and will join in by entering the password and pressing "Join game".

Example: Now Vivita can see the game created by Meepledrone on the game listing screen. She was waiting for the game to show up so she could join in.

Each player will then get the main screen to select the players positions and the expansions.

Example: After joining the game, Vivita can see the game setup screen too on her PC.

3.4. Setting up the game

Once all in, the players may click on the meeple icons to pick their colors and even add AI players if desired. The first player to make a pick will be the one starting game.

Example: Meepledrone can see the game setup under progress on his Mac: Vivita, the remote player, chose red and he chose blue. The base game is the current selection, since no expansions are checked.

Players can also select expansions and associated settings to be used during the game.

Example: Vivita has a symmetrical view of the game setup screen on her PC: she (the local player) chose red and Meepledrone (the remote player on Mac) chose blue. At this moment, additional expansions were selected: Inns & Cathedrals, the River, the GQ #11 mini and The Phantom.

Once the setup is ready any player can press "Start game" to proceed with the game. All the players will see the game area with the initial tile. The game has started and it will be the first player's turn.

Example: The game just started and Vivita is about to place her first tile on her PC. The start tile corresponds to the river source in GQ #11, as indicated during the game set up.

Hope this mini tutorial is useful. If you have any questions or comments, just let me know.

Have fun!

Note: Should any glitch happens during the game, players can leave the game or even disconnect and join again. Unless something really weird happened, they game will resume normally.

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: Old enemies renew their fierce rivalry
« on: March 22, 2020, 08:12:23 AM »
I sense some kind of nasty blackmailing here...  ;)

Official Rules / Re: WikiCarpedia update
« on: March 22, 2020, 08:10:59 AM »
Dear all,

As a result of the ongoing questions by Carcassonne93, a number of clarifications and improvements were incorporated to WICA:

Major expansions

* Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon:
   - Review of dragon movement
   - Review and inclusion of additional info about and dragon's menu/diet
   - Review of interactions with The Tower and The School.
* Exp. 4 - The Tower:
   - Note on meeples on top of a tower
* Exp. 6 - Count, King & Robber:
   - The Count of Carcassonne:
     - Addition of missing restrictions in ZMG rules
   - The River II for C2:
     - Renaming of "pigsty" (as in ZMG rules) to "pig-herd" as in C1 to avoid confusion with C2 pigsties in relation to Markets of Leipzig and Tollkeepers scoring.
   - The cult places/shrines
     - Added notes about actions triggering and stopping challenges
* Exp. 8 - Castles, Bridges & Bazaars:
   - Addition of clarification for tiles allowed in a small city to become a castle
   - Addition of clarifications about when castle scoring may take place
* Exp. 9 - Hills & Sheep
   - Addition of clarification about shepherds on inner fields
* Wheel of Fortune:
   - Added clarification about heretics and the Famine sector

Minor expansions

* Mini #2 - The Messages:
   - Regrouping of info related to Rounds of Scoring
* Mini #4 - The Goldmines:
   - Addition of clarification for gold distribution and unclaimed features
   - Minor review of gold distribution when multiple features are involved
* The Watchtowers:
   - Addition of clarification about castles
   - Addition of clarification about monastic buildings
* The Markets of Leipzig:
   - Addition of clarification about monastic buildings
* The Abbot:
   - Addition of clarification about the abbot placed as an abbot (not as a monk)
* The Phantom:
   - Extension of clarification about interaction with Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top.

Reference pages

* Game Reference:
   - Treatment change for FFFF tile in GQ#11 so it is not a pig-herd tile (this is an official ruling; the use as pig-herd is a house rule)
   - Addition of redeployment of meeples in City of Carcassonne to other features in addition to fields for C1 (C2 only allows fields) at the end of the game.
   - Addition of missing tokens in list
* Order of Play:
   - Review of wording for Messages and rounds of scoring
   - Addition of individual steps for Dragon Movement and corrected misinterpretation of ZMG rules for C2 (Phases 2b and 3b)
   - Addition of more detailed info about features and bonus scoring (Step 3B)
   - Relocation of fairy bonus to correct placement (Step 3B)
   - Relocation of gold distribution to correct placement (Step 3B --> Step 3D)
* Scoring During the Game:
   - Review of scoring of the Big Top
   - Addition of ferry lakes to road scoring
   - Removal of icon of castle score trigger in fields with barns
   - Clarification of scoring for Famine sector of the Wheel of Fortune
   - Renaming of pigsty of River II to pig-herd for the sake of clarity
* Scoring After the Game:
   - Review of scoring of the Big Top
   - Addition of ferry lakes to road scoring
   - Renaming of pigty of River II to pig-herd for the sake of clarity

Additionally, some corrections were made thanks to comments left by visitors to WICA. I would like to thank personally for their help and their support.  :(y) :(y)

* Exp. 4 - The tower:
   - Inclusion of Toolkeeper tokens in the capturing exclusion list
* Mini #5 - Mage & Witch:
   - Correction of error in CAR footnote about moving mage or witch.
* Order of Play:
   - Review of Step 1B (Draw a Tile) involving dragon tiles alternatives to drawn tiles
   - Correction of the crop circles action to stick to ruling by HiG in C2 (not to ZMG anymore)
* Game Figures:
   - Correction of interaction between abbot meeples and crop circles
   - Correction of interaction between ringmaster and the City of Carcassonne
   - Update of interactions of the dragon with the teacher

So all in all the following pages were updated, improved or corrected:

Major expansions

* Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* Exp. 4 - The Tower:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor:
   - C2:
* Exp. 6 - Count, King & Robber:
   - C1 - Heretics & Shrines:
   - C2:,_King_and_Robber
   - C2 - The River II:
* Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars:
   - C1:,_Castles_and_Bazaars_(1st_edition)
   - C2:,_Castles_and_Bazaars
* Exp. 9 - Hills & Sheep:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* The Wheel of Fortune:
   - C1:

Minor expansions

* Mini #2 - The Messages:
   - C2:
* Mini #4 - The Goldmines:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* Mini #5 - Mage & Witch:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* The Phantom:
   - C1:
* The School:
   - C1:
* The Abbot:
   - C2:
* Castles in Germany:
   - C1:
   - C2:
* The Markets of Leipzig:
   - C2:
* The Watchtowers:
   - C2:

Reference pages

* Game Reference:
   - C1:
   - C2:
   - WE:
* Game Figures:
   - C1:
   - C2:
   - WE:
* Order of Play:
   - C1:
   - C2:
   - WE:
* Scoring During the Game:
   - C1:
   - C2:
   - WE:
* Scoring After the Game:
   - C1:
   - C2:
   - WE:
* Summary of Rule Sets and Changes:
   - C1/C2:


Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 21, 2020, 07:06:55 PM »
[155.] "Yes, you can place a normal meeple as an acrobat and, as a second figure, a phantom as another acrobat on the same turn, according to the rules for phantoms." But Wikicarpedia says "After placing a tile, the player may deploy the phantom to it as a second follower (on a second feature)". On a 'second' feature; the same pyramid is not a second feature.

The deployment of the phantom as a second figure to a second feature comes from the default restrictions in the rules in order to occupy features: you cannot place a meeple to an occupied feature. This is one of the cornerstones of Carcassonne. However, this restriction is broken sometimes: you can use a flying machine, a crop circle or the city of Carcassonne to deploy meeples to features already occupied.

In their own right, acrobat pyramids break the standard occupancy rule by definition, since up to three meeples can occupy the same acrobat space in a non-exclusive way by "direct placement" (from the same tile or from an adjacent one). This relaxation of the occupancy rules may deem possible to deploy a phantom as a second figure to the same feature, provided it is an acrobat pyramid.

Check this clarification:

[156.] "Thus, in one turn the player may deploy two followers [5] [6] [7] [8] to two different features of the tile he or she just placed." That means that if you play with The Phantom, you can deploy two normal meeples in the same turn?

When playing with The Phantom you may deploy two meeples:
1. Firstly you may deploy a wooden meeple: normal meeple, large meeple, mayor, wagon, ringmaster or abbot.
2. Lastly you may deploy a phantom.

You can check the Order of Play to revisit all this:

Reviews & Session Reports / Re: Old enemies renew their fierce rivalry
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:21:08 PM »
Whaaaaaat??? Dan and expansions??? That is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! :o

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:13:58 PM »

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:13:31 PM »
[153.] "After placing your tile, you now have 4 actions to choose from:
•You may place one of your meeples on the just-placed tile (following
the normal rules).
3 new actions:
•Place one of your tower floors on a tower
foundation space on any placed tile.
•Place one of your tower floors to any
open tower on the board.
•Place one of your meeples on any open
tower. This closes the tower."
After placing a normal tile or a tile from expansion 4 (The Tower)?

These four options, the regular one and the three additional ones provided when adding The Tower to your game, are available for all the tiles. This means that, instead of placing a meeple, you may place a tower floor on any tower tile already placed (on the tower foundation or on top of an existing tower) or you may place a meeple on top of an existing tower to cap it. 

Here you can revisit the rules:

(135.) What happens if you place a tile and end a road occupied by blue, a city occupied by you and a monastery occupied by, and all 3 feature have gold ingots? You take 1 gold ingot or 2?

(136.) Can you move a wagon in a monastery of Germany and place it as an abbot?

(137.) "Exp. 1 - Inns and Cathedrals: The king does not score bonus points for a cathedral in a completed city." "The robber does not score bonus points for an inn on a completed road." That means that you do not receive 1 point for these cities and roads?

(138.) River II: In the first turn, the first player place just the fork? If you are the first player, can you place a meeple on fork? What is the position in which you must to place the fork? Do you mix the city lake tile with the river tiles?

(139.) "At the end of the game before final scoring, score the circus one last time." This circus scoring happens in the last turn or after the last turn?

(140.) Can a player receive 1 point from the fairy or receive a message tile when the player places the tile obtained from bazaar?

(141.) Player A host a bazaar auction. The tile obtained by player B is placed in player's A turn or in player's B turn?

(142.) Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne if you close a shepherd field and you receive 0 points?

(143.) Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne if you score a pyramid in which you do not have acrobats?

(144.) Can you remove a meeple from the City of Carcassonne or Markets of Leipzig with message 8?

(145.) Do you receive ringmaster points for messages 1, 2, 3 or 8?

(146.) You play with red. You finish an unoccupied monastery. Blue have a meeple in the Bookbinders quarter. Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne?

(147.) You play with red. You place a tile which complete a road occupied by you. If you place the builder on this tile, do you receive a double-turn?

(148.) You play with red. You place a tile in a road occupied by 1 red meeple, 1 blue meeple, 1 blue builder. Do you receive a double-turn?

(149.) What happens if you place a castle on a city which contains the mage/witch?

(150.) If you score an acrobat with the message 8, you score all 1, 2 or 3 acrobats?

(151.) What happens with the vineyards when you score during the game a monastery from Germany in which there is placed a meeple as abbot?

(152.) You have a meeple in the Bookbinders quarter. In a monastery from Germany there is only one meeple placed as abbot. Later, the monastery from Germany is surrounded by 9 tiles. Do you receive 4 points?

This questions are repeated: check referenced answers #136-#152.

[154.] Can you place the phantom and a normal meeple in a pyramid in the same turn?

Yes, you can place a normal meeple as an acrobat and, as a second figure, a phantom as another acrobat on the same turn, according to the rules for phantoms.

You can check the Order of Play to explore all the possibilities for phantoms:

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 21, 2020, 02:32:32 PM »
[146.] You play with red. You finish an unoccupied monastery. Blue have a meeple in the Bookbinders quarter. Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne?

Yes, you gained no points from the as the tile placement during phase 3. Scoring a feature and another player did.

You can revisit the rules to send a meeple to Carcassonne (I added restrictions defined by HiG but omitted/mistranslated by ZMG):,_King_and_Robber#2._Placing_a_meeple_in_the_City_of_Carcassonne

[147.] You play with red. You place a tile which complete a road occupied by you. If you place the builder on this tile, do you receive a double-turn?

No. in order to get a double turn, you have to extend a city or road where the builder was placed in a previous turn.

However, if you complete a feature with your builder, you will get a a double turn even if you cannot extend the feature granting you the double turn.

You can revisit the builder rules here:

[148.] You play with red. You place a tile in a road occupied by 1 red meeple, 1 blue meeple, 1 blue builder. Do you receive a double-turn?

No. you can only get a double turn if you intend a feature with your builder. Other builders are unimportant to you.

You can revisit the builder rules here:

[149.] What happens if you place a castle on a city which contains the mage/witch?

You will remove the mage/witch from the city. They will have no effect as no scoring takes place when converting the small city into a castle.

You can check the rules for the castle conversion here:,_Castles_and_Bazaars#3._Close_a_small_city_and_place_a_castle

[150.] If you score an acrobat with the message 8, you score all 1, 2 or 3 acrobats?

This was something I was pondering when I replying to question #122, but Message 8 talks of scoring one of your meeples. Therefore you should stick to scoring one of your acrobats in a pyramid.

You can review the Message 8 rules here:

[151.] What happens with the vineyards when you score during the game a monastery from Germany in which there is placed a meeple as abbot?

Vineyards only provide additional points to monastic buildings (monasteries, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings and Darmstadt churches) being scored during the game when completed.

You would not score additional points for vineyards when:
* You remove and score an abbot (placed as a monk or as an abbot) before the feature is completed
* You score a special monastery (German monasteries, Dutch & Belgian monasteries, Japanese buildings) at the end of the game

Just a reminder: gardens do not score extra points for vineyards no matter the case. Gardens and vineyards do not mix.

You can revisit the interactions of the abbot with Hills & Sheep here:

[152.] You have a meeple in the Bookbinders quarter. In a monastery from Germany there is only one meeple placed as abbot. Later, the monastery from Germany is surrounded by 9 tiles. Do you receive 4 points?

Yes, you would get the 4 points.

The rules for the Bookbinders quarter specify that you get the bonus when a monastery is completed, no matter who occupies it (you, other player or nobody). In this case, the presence of the meeple placed as an abbot is irrelevant and it would be like the monastery is unoccupied for the purpose of the bonus.

You can review the rules for the Markets of Leipzig here:

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 21, 2020, 09:40:46 AM »
[135.] What happens if you place a tile and end a road occupied by blue, a city occupied by you and a monastery occupied by, and all 3 feature have gold ingots? You take 1 gold ingot or 2?

As gold ingot are associated placed on tiles, only players scoring features occupying those tiles will be entitled to gold ingots. Gold ingots will be distributed to entitled players in turn order starting from the active player.

Who is occupying the monastery? It is missing in your question.

If it is you, you may get two gold ingots if there are three different players involved, you probable will get only one gold ingot.

As indicated in the following clarification:

In general, if one or more features are involved, the active player (if entitled to gold) chooses the first gold ingot and can choose any one of the ingots to which he/she may be entitled. The next player (in clockwise order) that is entitled to a gold ingot can then choose an appropriate ingot. Note that, because a player can choose which ingot to take first (if there is more than one to choose from), a different player who may have initially been entitled to a gold ingot may miss out if that ingot has been claimed before it is that player's turn to choose.

[136.] Can you move a wagon in a monastery of Germany and place it as an abbot?

There is no limitation in the rules to do so. I will mention here an analogous clarification about the flier and German monasteries, and you will see soon why:

In this post, Kettlefish recounts her conversation with Georg Wild (from HiG at the time). She didn't translate the conversation from German but it goes like this:

We had talked today about the flier and that it may land on areas that are already occupied (city, street and monastery).
I said "One good thing that usually does not mention monk (for meeple on the monastery), but only monastery."
Georg Wild then said: "Since the rule for the flier is older [than the German monastery], one did not know, as is well known, that one day a meeple could also be placed on the monastery (German monastery) as an abbot. So even if the rules would have specified "monk", this would not exclude the "abbot" on the German Monastery. So the flier can choose whether it lands on the German monastery as a monk or as an abbot."

Conclusion: If in an older expansion only mentions "monk", this does not exclude the "abbot" on the German Monastery.

Bearing all this is mind, my only consideration here is that meeples placed are monks and as abbots are not completely interchangeable in all contexts. We all know that feature completion and scoring makes them different:
* Meeple placed as a monk: it is scored when the feature is completed or at the end of the game if standing on an incomplete monastery.
* Meeple placed as an abbot: it is scored at the end of the game. They are not affected by the monastery being totally surrounded by tiles, for example.

We would have a special case with the abbot meeple, that would allow you to remove the abbot early and score it no matter if it placed as a monk or as an abbot.

In any case, after this digression, I would just add the wagons will follow the same reasoning given by Georg Wild, so they could be placed as abbots when redeployed to a German monastery (or similar special monastery: Dutch & Belgian monastery or Japanese building). If so, the the wagon will stay there until the end of the game unless, for example, removed by the dragon, captured by a tower, removed by the festival or removed/swapped by the catapult or La Porxada or trapped by a Vodyanoy tile.

[137.] "Exp. 1 - Inns and Cathedrals: The king does not score bonus points for a cathedral in a completed city." "The robber does not score bonus points for an inn on a completed road." That means that you do not receive 1 point for these cities and roads?

It is a rather weird way to say that completed cities with cathedrals and completed roads with inns just count as regular completed features (no extra bonus) when calculating the King and the Robber Baron bonus at the end of the game.

If you condense all the parts, you would have following rules for scoring the King and Robber bonus:


If you have the King tile during final scoring, you gain 1 point per completed city (including the city of Carcassonne and the city of Leipzig, if you are playing with those tiles). Completed cities with a cathedral also provide 1 point (cathedrals do not affect the King bonus).


If you have the Robber tile during final scoring, you gain 1 point per completed road. Completed roads with an inn also provide 1 point (inns do not affect the Robber bonus).

You can revisit the rules here:
* Basic rules:,_King_and_Robber#King_and_robber
* Interactions:,_King_and_Robber#King

[138.] River II: In the first turn, the first player place just the fork? If you are the first player, can you place a meeple on fork? What is the position in which you must to place the fork? Do you mix the city lake tile with the river tiles?

There are several questions here:
* Placing the fork tile: The first player places the fork in any position. No matter the position, at least one of the branches will admit tiles normally. 
* Placing a meeple on the fork: The first player may place a figure or even a token as usual. In this case, it is possible to place:
   1. A meeple (no phantom) as a farmer or on the Wheel of fortune (if used), a shepherd with some sheep (if you don't draw a wolf) or a Little Building.
   2. A phantom as a farmer or on the Wheel of fortune (if used).
* The city tile with the lake: Yes, it is shuffled with the rest. You take the source, the for and the lake with the volcano. Shuffle the rest of River II tiles. Place the Source on the table, Place the other tiles face down with the volcano lake at the bottom and the fork at the top. The first player will draw the fork first thing.

You can revisit the rules here:
* River setup and placement:
* Order of Play (you can check available options for phase 2. Place a Meeple):

[139.] "At the end of the game before final scoring, score the circus one last time." This circus scoring happens in the last turn or after the last turn?

This action happens after the last turn before scoring. That means that if you perform an extra round for remaining abbeys, the big top will be scored afterwards. 

Please check here the wrap-up sequence before final scoring starts:

[140.] Can a player receive 1 point from the fairy or receive a message tile when the player places the tile obtained from bazaar?

Turns with bazaar tiles are normal ones, the only difference is that you use the tile you bought at the auction instead of drawing one.

Please check this clarification:,_Castles_and_Bazaars#cite_note-17

[141.] Player A host a bazaar auction. The tile obtained by player B is placed in player's A turn or in player's B turn?

This is a good question.

The simple answer would be that all the the turns with purchased tiles take place as nested turns within player A's turn. A way to illustrate this is that the bazaar action may happen at the end of the first part of a double turn (the bazaar tile extended a road or city with player A's builder). In this case, after the bazaar is finished, all players place their purchased tiles in turn and, once they are done, player A would resume the second part of their double turn.

This may get more complicated with nested double turns by other players and or thanks to additional turns after receiving Message 4 or additional turns granted by the Saint Nicholas Scoreboard... or even more complicated with delayed bazaar auctions caused by tiles drawn in nested double turns... :o

You can taste a bit of this in the clarifications related to the interaction of the builder (mistranslations included  ???):,_Castles_and_Bazaars#Bazaar_2

[142.] Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne if you close a shepherd field and you receive 0 points?

Curious question!

There are a number of factors involved here:
1. Closing a field is not completing a tile-based feature. You don't get points from a close field as a feature.
2. On the other hand, shepherds on fields are affected by closed fields and they cannot be trapped as per the rules: when closing a field with one or more shepherds, you automatically trigger the scoring if the shepherds and their shared flock by performing the "Guide Flock" action. This happens in phase 2. Placing a meeple
3. Additionally, deploying meeples to the city of Carcassonne happens in phase 3. Scoring a feature as a result of scoring a tile-based feature you completed but received no points from it. This means in order to send a meeple to the city of Carcassonne you need to complete a tile-based scoreable feature.

So this said, closing a field with a shepherd and getting 0 points for it does not allow you to send a meeple to the city of Carcassonne.

You can review the rules here:
* Sending a meeple to Carcassonne (I added restrictions defined by HiG but omitted/mistranslated by ZMG):,_King_and_Robber#2._Placing_a_meeple_in_the_City_of_Carcassonne
* Order of Play (to check the timing of shepherd associated actions):

[143.] Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne if you score a pyramid in which you do not have acrobats?

The rationale for answering this is analogous to the one used for your previous question.

There are a number of factors involved here:
1. Completing an acrobat pyramid is not completing a tile-based feature
2. On the other hand, the scoring of acrobat pyramids is deferred one or more turns and happens in phase 2. Placing a meeple
3. Additionally, deploying meeples to the city of Carcassonne happens in phase 3. Scoring a feature as a result of scoring a tile-based feature you completed but received no points from it. This means in order to send a meeple to the city of Carcassonne you need to complete a tile-based scoreable feature.

So this said, scoring an acrobat pyramids and getting 0 points for it does not allow you to send a meeple to the city of Carcassonne.

You can review the rules here:
* Sending a meeple to Carcassonne (I added restrictions defined by HiG but omitted/mistranslated by ZMG):,_King_and_Robber#2._Placing_a_meeple_in_the_City_of_Carcassonne
* Order of Play (to check the timing of shepherd associated actions):

[144.] Can you remove a meeple from the City of Carcassonne or Markets of Leipzig with message 8?

The key point of Message 8 is that you score a feature where you may have the majority and remove a meeple from it. Meeples in the city of Leipzig are not placed on a scoreable feature of its own. Meeples in the city of Leipzig only entitle players to certain bonuses.

So Message 8 cannot affect meeples on the city of Leipzig. The city per se cannot be scored since the mechanics involve the city of Leipzig are not the usual ones for regular cities.

You can revisit the rules for Message 8 here:

[145.] Do you receive ringmaster points for messages 1, 2, 3 or 8?

There is no clarification for this, but if we apply the same principle described in answer #136, if you score a ringmaster with Messages 1, 2, 3 or 8, you should do so.

General / Re: COVID-19 for Spiel 20 Tile
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:00:27 AM »
It's a great idea, MeepleFan!

However, my understanding with Spiel Promo tiles is that thy are produced in batches of 4 years although they are released one per year. This would mean that we have seen the Spiel 2018 and 2019 tiles already, but Spiel 2020 and 2021 are already produced but kept in HiG's vaults.

That's why the Spiel 2014-2017 run show dark cities even when HiG were releasing base games and expansions with cities in lighter colors.

@Murphy013 It could be the moment to re-release The Plague in C2 with updated rules, right?

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