Hi everyone.
Just a quick note to share news of the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) upcoming events. For anyone who has never heard of MSO, they're a professional organisation that runs a series of boardgame competitions along with other brain-intensive challenges. They now run many of the boardgame competitions at the UK Games Expo as well as their own separate events.
This year they will be hosting two of their own events; the
MSO Grand Prix (online event) and the
Mind Sports Olympiad 2022 (in-person event). Full details of both events can be found by clicking
The online MSO Grand Prix will be held between Friday 15th April and Sunday 29th May, while the in-person Mind Sports Olympiad 2022 will run from Sunday 21st August to Monday 29th August. Both competitions are international events meaning that boardgamers from all around the world are very welcome, and encouraged to join the fun. But if travelling to London in August isn't up your street, hopefully the online event will be considering the vast selection of games due to be played:

Having taken part in several of their tournaments previously I can vouch for their standards and professionalism, and am already looking forward to seeing how things go with their Carcassonne and Carcassonne + expansions events, as well as a number of other games...
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