Just saw this old discussion.Who is Ted and how do you get hold of the clear meeple to paint the edges?
Quote from: Allan in Brisbane on January 04, 2015, 02:36:42 AMJust saw this old discussion.Who is Ted and how do you get hold of the clear meeple to paint the edges?He of Carcassonne Shoppe fame.
@Carcatronn - any update about the clear meeples ? :-) (I know it's not late February, but... :-D )
Update next week or available next week?
Sorry for the late update.... So, the project for the clear meeple was approved, but not in the way we were wanting. We are not able to sell the clear pieces as of right now. At this point, we unfortunately have given up on this project ..... We spent over $3k on the prototype pieces (which came out 100% perfect) but are stuck with them until HiG allows us to sell them. And since we are abandoning the project, we may end up not being able to sell the prototypes. If this ever changes, we will certainly let you guys know!
Started by DIN0
Started by ooh_jim
Started by nickbuol
Started by ARabidMeerkat
Started by Guy