After more than 10 years collecting carcassonne matching the colors of the tiles of different expansions has been a headache. Surely for many of you too. There are also many who don’t mind mixing the different shades of colors in a kind of color cocktail, but it isn’t my case.
First of all I have to say that 100% homogeneous is impossible but I think that with these tips they may help you when organizing the games and joining the expansions together with the ideal basic game. Visually you will be surprised and I think that many can be very useful. And very satisfying to watch while playing.
Let's start. You will need first three basic carcassonnes of three different colors with the expansions as follows:
-Carcassonne first edition 2000 of HiG (dark green)
-I&C (rare first edition HiG or limited RGG yellow box 2003).
-The plague
-Corn Circles I
-Windrosen (HiG)
-Monasteries in Germany (Dutch and Belgium Monasteries)
-Cathedrals in Germany
-The labyrinth
-Castles in Germany
-The cult (spielbox)

-Carcassonne 10th anniversary edition or 2001 edition of HiG (medium green)
-I&C first edition HiG (no watermark)
-T&B first edition HiG (no watermark)
-P&D first edition HiG (no watermark)
-Tower first edition HiG (no watermark)
-K&B first edition HiG (no watermark)
-GQ #11 (no watermark)
-The festival (no watermark)

-Carcassonne 2012 HiG edition (light green with some yellow tones) Most common edition.
-I&C (with watermark)
-T&B (with watermark)
-P&D (with watermark)
-Tower (with watermark)
-A&M (with watermark)
-C,K&R (with watermark)
-Catapult (with watermark)
-B,C&B (with watermark)
-H&S (with watermark) and River III
-The Cathars
-The tunnels
-Windrosen (spielbox)
-6 minis
-River I&II
-The Count
-Corn circles II
-The school
-Die Belagerer
-Little Buildings
-Half & half I, II
-GQ #11 (2 river tiles)

I hope it is useful and encourages you to play in a harmonious and visually pleasing way. Any opinions or comments are welcome.
UPGRADE 04/2021 (I&C without watermark there is a very dark green version that you can find on limited edition 2003 yellow box RGG or first edition of HiG) (Windrosen has 2 versions, dark green from HiG first version and light green from spielbox second version) (the cathars and GQ #11 can match too with medium green but personally better with light green)