Author Topic: Santa Claus versus the Grinch  (Read 5212 times)

Offline Windekind

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Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« on: October 22, 2017, 09:32:58 AM »
I have two Carcassonne versions. Carcassonne and Carcassonne Winter. I thought to myself why we could not combine those two. And see the result here:
(PS: sorry for my english, it is translated with google translate.)

Santa Claus versus the Grinch

The story took place in the winter period where the Santa is preparing for his distribution of the packages. Everything goes well until the Grinch comes into play. The Grinch hates Christmas Day and other holidays. He also wants the Christmas atmosphere to be banned. He does his best to clear all the snow away, but Santa makes sure this will not happen, he tries to make it snow again. Who will win this winter?

This game is played by 2 people.
To play this game you will need two game boxes. The basics of Carcassonne and the spin-off Carcassonne Winter Edition.
12 tiles are removed from the Winter Edition and 1 tile from the basic version (not the starting tile). You can also find the similar tiles in the other Carcassonne extensions.

The 70 tiles of the basic game are stacked upside down. The 70 tiles of the Winter Edition are placed on a separate stack with the back side upwards.
In advance, it is agreed who the Santa is and who the Grinch. The Santa is playing with the Winter Edition cards and the Grinch with the basic game cards. If you wish, you can each use a scoreboard.
The 2 starting tiles (base and winter) are laid side by side. How to put them next to each other does not matter, you decide;
The youngest player decides who starts.

But in this game there are 2 possibilities to place a tile. In the usual Carcassonne way OR if a tile is pulled and it is the same tile that is already on the table, you can place the tile on top of it. Also in a finished city, road or monastery, you can place a 2nd tile. You can place your own tile on your same own tile, which means that a finished city on 2nd tile height will receive 5 points. (See further)

Deploy a follower
The second step is to place a follower. This remains the same as the basic game. It is not allowed to place a follower indirectly.
The Grinch places his follower on his tiles and the Santa places his follower on his Winter tiles.
On the second tile you can not placed a follower.

The score is counted the same as in the basic game.
- Finished city: 2 points / tile + 2 points / shield
- Finished road: 1 point / tile
- Finished monastery: 9 points

If you finish completely a city, in same tile version, on the 2e tile height,you get 5 points.

Final scoring
The final score is the same as the basic game.
- Unfinished city: 1 point / tile + 1 point / shield
- Unfinished road: 1 point / tile
- Unfinished monastery: 1 point / tile + 1 point for the monastery

But then it will be counted further. Each tile on the 2nd height that has changed the tile version gives you 1 point per tile per version.

What do you think of this game play?


Online ny1050220

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2017, 09:54:46 AM »
Sounds great!
Would you please give a few examples how the scores are calculated when you have tiles on top of the other version? By "per tile per version" you mean you count all tiles that have a tile in the other version on top of them as well as the tiles on top of them, eh?

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2017, 09:59:22 AM »
Thanks for the contribution Windekind!

A very festive variant indeed!  It is well timed for this season too!  A merit from me!

I did notice one very small and trivial thing:
The 70 tiles of the basic game are stacked upside down. The 70 tiles of the Winter Edition are placed on a separate stack with the back side upwards.

I think this should read:

The 71 tiles of the Winter Edition are placed on a separate stack with the back side upwards.

You have removed 1 tile from the base game, along with the 12 tiles from the winter edition.  Then placed the two start tiles next to each other.  I wondered if you meant to remove one more tile from the winter edition too.

I like the idea of adding a second layer and awarding 5 bonus points for completing a secondary feature.  It's interesting because 2nd layer tiles cannot be so easily trapped, especially if the base is already completed.

Can the winter tile be played on top of the basic tiles (and visa versa)? 
What happens if a feature on the first layer is completed, but you wish to play on another part of the tile you play on the 2nd layer?
If the tiles are mixed-types on the first layer, do score 5 points completing it a second time, if they match or if they are all the same?
In such an event can you play a meeple onto a feature which is already claimed on the layer below?

Some placement and scoring examples would be really helpful!

Here's a +1 merit from me!

Offline Windekind

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2017, 10:48:15 AM »
To respond to ny1050220 & Decar:

* Here you have an image where a city is finished. When the Santa draws a tile (winter version), he can place next to the tiles lying OR on top of the right tile. If we assume that the game is now done. Will the Grinch player get 0 points extra. And will Santa get 1 point extra because his card is on top.

* If Santa has "snowed" the whole city. So if 3 snow tiles lay on the 3 base tiles. Santa will get 1 point per tile. So 3 points. Plus 5 points because city is finished at the same height (with the same winter edition tiles). Santa scores 8 points in total.

* If Santa can only place 2 tiles on top (for example the 2 right ones). And the Grinch also place a tile on top of its left-hand tile (the same course). If we assume that the game is now done. Santa will gat 2 points extra. And the Grinch 1 point extra. Nobody gets 5 points because the city is not finished in the same carcassonne version (3 tiles of the basic game or 3 tiles of the Winter edition).

* If there is a meeple on the 1st layer, you can not place a tile on it. Because that tile is owned.

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2017, 12:49:35 PM »

Offline Decar

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2017, 01:34:18 PM »
Thanks Windekind - that's much clearer.  I'll look forward to giving this a try very soon!

Online ny1050220

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2017, 07:46:32 PM »
Echoing from Decar, thank you so much, Windekind! Merit from me!

Offline Windekind

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Re: Santa Claus versus the Grinch
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2017, 04:18:02 AM »
This is my idea. If someone has a different game play or concept, it's always nice to hear.

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