Author Topic: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English  (Read 58159 times)

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2013, 12:53:12 PM »
This is a great reference! I think that this will be a good addition to the CAR -- I can make it a new section, so people can see the various possibilities for translations depending on what publisher and version of the game that they may have.

My thoughts on the translations are below. Note that my opinions are based on my personal experiences and the fact that I speak American English. English-speaking folks in Europe or Australia may have different thoughts.

Things I'd change:
1. Landschaftskarten Schule: I would change this to "school landscape tiles", since "school" is an adjective, which comes before the noun in English.
2. siehe Regeln BigBoxen: I would change this to "see Big Boxes' rules".

My own opinions (not to change, just my personal thoughts):
1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.
2. Wiese: In the CAR, I've used "field" for the feature on the tile, and "farm" for a collection of field segments that has a follower on it and will get scored. That's probably not really a differentiation that HiG has made, though.
3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.
5. Kultstätte: I kind of prefer "cult place", since that has a more sinister/evil feeling than "shrine". I always feel like the challenge is more of a good vs. evil sort of thing.
6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use.
7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.
8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.

Offline kettlefish

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2013, 02:38:40 PM »
Things I'd change:
1. Landschaftskarten Schule: I would change this to "school landscape tiles", since "school" is an adjective, which comes before the noun in English.
2. siehe Regeln BigBoxen: I would change this to "see Big Boxes' rules".
I have changed the English words.

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2013, 07:28:13 AM »
My own opinions (not to change, just my personal thoughts):
1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.
2. Wiese: In the CAR, I've used "field" for the feature on the tile, and "farm" for a collection of field segments that has a follower on it and will get scored. That's probably not really a differentiation that HiG has made, though.
3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.
5. Kultstätte: I kind of prefer "cult place", since that has a more sinister/evil feeling than "shrine". I always feel like the challenge is more of a good vs. evil sort of thing.
6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use.
7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.
8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.

1. I agree. A pennant is a small, elongated flag. A banner is a square or oblong flag. What is depicted on the tiles is the shield portion of a coat of arms.
3. Agreed.
4. Not only is monastery more common in North America, it's also more correct. A cloister is like a courtyard, so the word refers to only a part of a building. The monasteries depicted on the tiles don't have cloisters. I won't fault anyone that continues to use the old terminology, but I think it's worth considering transitioning to monastery.
5. Agreed.
6. Only people that play Minecraft talk about gold ingots. Gold bar is what the rest of North America is familiar with.
7. We're used to landscape tile from the CAR.
8. I looked into this a while back, and both terms are correct in English, but compass rose is much more familiar in North America.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 09:33:44 AM by kettlefish »

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2013, 07:39:33 AM »
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.

This one is tough for me too. I and my play group will likely continue calling them cloisters because that is how we learned the game. I was dismayed to learn that it was an inaccurate translation of the German "kloster" which apparently means monestary.

The World Dictionary does list "a place of religious seclusion, such as a monastery " as a defintion under cloister - that is good enough for me to continue using the term.
I just drew the perfect tile for my MonKnighThieFarmer!

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2013, 08:13:45 AM »
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.

I concur with the concensus on this one. I'll always call them cloisters since that's how I learned as well. Based on the wording referenced by Carcking in the dictionary, it seems like a 'monastery' is a specific kind of cloister, which lend weight to it.

6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use.

As a minecraft player, I'm fine with encouraging a paradigm shift towards more "ingot"s here in the states :c)

8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2013, 02:02:03 PM »
Landschaftskarte - land tile (RGG+CAR) / landscape tile (RGG+CAR)
1.0 Gebiete - features
2.0 Landschaftskarten-Symbole mit speziellen Funktionen - landscape tiles symbols with special functions

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2013, 02:03:22 PM »
Landschaftskarten-Symbole mit speziellen Funktionen - landscape tiles symbols with special functions
1.0 Warensymbol - trade symbol (CAR) / trade good symbol (RGG)
2.0 Burgfräulein - princess
3.0 Drache - dragon
4.0 Katharer - Cathars
5.0 Pestsymbol - plague symbol (Spielbox) / plague doctor symbol (CAR)

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2013, 02:38:57 PM »
3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.
I have changed:
Kornkreis - crop circle (ZMG+CAR) /  corn circle (RGG)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 03:10:39 PM by kettlefish »

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2013, 03:36:15 PM »
1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.
7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.
8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.
1. Wappen - banner/pennant - we can't say that is a shield because of the crop circles. The crop circle German: "Schild" has the English name "shield".
Now you have only the "coat of arms"...

7. Landschaftskarte - landscape tile - that word I like it more.
land tile (Landkarte) should be misunderstand as a map...

8. Windrosen - I think that is a poetic word in German too. We have in German also a "Kompass"...

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2013, 06:39:52 PM »
1. Wappen - banner/pennant - we can't say that is a shield because of the crop circles. The crop circle German: "Schild" has the English name "shield".
Now you have only the "coat of arms"...

Wappen definitely translates to "coat of arms". Better to call it a "coat of arms" than the technical term for shield: "escutcheon". The "field" of the shield is divided "party per cross", but within each division there are no "charges". I think it's fair to conclude that detail has been omitted for clarity due to the size.

It's interesting that the coat of arms shown on the tiles bears no resemblance to the historically appropriate coats of arms for the area. The coat of arms for Carcassonne looks like this:

Carcassonne is located in the "department" of Aude, which has the following coat of arms:

Aude is part of the region called Languedoc-Roussillon, which has the following coat of arms:

The closest match I can find to the coat of arms shown on the tiles is the region of Picardie:

Picardie is on the complete opposite side of the country: the north. Carcassonne is located in the south of France.

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2013, 12:26:18 PM »
explanation to "Gebiete - features" and "Gebiete im Detail - features details"

The headings are my own words. I have sent an email to HiG - Georg Wild. I hope, I get a response from him in the next days.

Gebiet wird mit Figur besetzt / erweitert bis Fertigstellung und Wertung
- feature is occupied with figure / expanded until completion and scoring

I called with HiG - Georg Wild today.

Together we talked about the "Gebiete - features". Now the headings are official. This is the first time we have a clear definition about all the sorts of feature.
(perhaps you can changing/correcting the translation of some English words)

This clear definition of feature has some interesting new FAQ - especially about the wagon and about the phantom.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 03:55:37 PM by kettlefish »

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2013, 04:00:43 PM »
2.0 Gebiet wird mit Figur genutzt um zu einer anderen Karte mit Gebiet zu gelangen
- feature is used with figure to get another tile with feature
2.1 Zaubergang - magic portal
2.2 Fluggerät - flying machine (ZMG) / aircraft symbol (CAR) / wing (RGG)

The Phantom and the flying machine
If you use first a normal follower as a flier then the second figure the phantom can't use the flying machine, because that is a feature and it was climed with the first figure. The phantom can only be placed on a road or on the field.

The Phantom and the magic portal
When the first follower goes through the magic portal, then the Phantom can't go through as a second follower. The phantom can only be placed on an open not claimed feature at that tile. The magic portal is a feature.

(Telephone call with HiG - Georg Wild - 14 01 2013 and 03 05 2013)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 11:37:46 PM by kettlefish »

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2013, 09:25:45 AM »
The Phantom and the flying machine
If you use first a normal follower as a flier then the second figure the phantom can't use the flying machine, because that is a feature and it was climed with the first figure. The phantom can only be placed on a road or on the field.

The Phantom and the magic portal
When the first follower goes through the magic portal, then the Phantom can't go through as a second follower. The phantom can only be placed on an open not claimed feature at that tile. The magic portal is a feature.

Since I forgot to add a response back in May, here it is -- These clarifications regarding placement of the Phantom have been added to the upcoming S-CAR.

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2013, 11:00:34 AM »
I have  some new "translation" from ZMG: The Tower

Die Figuren - the figures (RGG+CAR) / the pawns (ZMG)

3.2 Turmteil - tower part (RGG) / tower piece (CAR+RGG) / tower floor - floor (ZMG)
Gebiet - feature

3.1 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)
Gebiete im Detail - features details

Gebiet wird mit Figur besetzt/erweitert/abgeschlossen ohne Wertung
- feature with figure occupied /expanded/completed without scoring

1.0 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)
1.1 Turmbauplatz - tower building place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)

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Re: Dictionary - World of the Game Carcassonne - German/English
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2013, 11:08:09 AM »
I have  some new "translation" from ZMG: The Tower

Die Figuren - the figures (RGG+CAR) / the pawns (ZMG)

3.2 Turmteil - tower part (RGG) / tower piece (CAR+RGG) / tower floor - floor (ZMG)
Gebiet - feature

3.1 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)
Gebiete im Detail - features details

Gebiet wird mit Figur besetzt/erweitert/abgeschlossen ohne Wertung
- feature with figure occupied /expanded/completed without scoring

1.0 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)
1.1 Turmbauplatz - tower building place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)

It's nice that ZMG went with some of the translations from the CAR -- makes my life easier. The new tweaks have been added to the upcoming CAR.

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