- Posts:
- 237 (0.175 per day)
- Merit:
- 136
- Age:
- N/A
- (2000-2014)
- Base game: Standard edition:
- Owns
- Base game: Wheel of Fortune:
- Wants
- Exp 1: Inns & Cathedrals:
- Wants
- Exp 2: Traders & Builders:
- Wants
- Exp 3: The Princess & the Dragon:
- Owns
- Exp 4: The Tower:
- Owns
- Exp 5: Abbey & Mayor:
- Owns
- Exp 6: Count, King & Robber:
- Owns
- Exp 7: The Catapult:
- Wants
- Exp 8: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars:
- Owns
- Exp 9: Hills & Sheep:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 1: The Flying Machines:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 2: The Messengers:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 3: The Ferries:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 4: The Goldmines:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 5: Mage & Witch:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 6: The Robber:
- No interest
- Mini-exp 7: Crop Circles II:
- No interest
- Spielbox 2004/5: The Cathars:
- Wants
- Spielbox 2009/6: The Tunnel:
- Wants
- Spielbox 2010/6: The Plague:
- Wants
- Spielbox 2012/5: Little Buildings:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2013/5: The Wind Roses II:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2014/5: Halflings I:
- Owns
- River I:
- Wants
- King & Scout:
- No interest
- River II:
- No interest
- The Count:
- No interest
- The GQ#11 Expansion:
- Wants
- Shrines & Heretics:
- No interest
- Cult, Siege & Creativity:
- Wants
- Crop Circles I:
- Wants
- The Festival / 10th Anniversary edition:
- Wants
- The Phantom:
- Owns
- The School:
- Owns
- The Wind Roses:
- Owns
- The Besiegers:
- Wants
- Christmas Present:
- Unknown
- Monasteries in Germany:
- Wants
- Halflings II:
- Wants
- Darmstadt:
- Wants
- Monasteries in the NL & Belgium:
- Wants
- Castles in Germany:
- Wants
- City of Carcassonne Start Tile:
- Wants
- The Hut of Baba Yaga and Bogatyr:
- Wants
- Cathedrals in Germany:
- Wants
- The Labyrinth:
- Owns
- Nightingale the Robber and Vodyanoy:
- Wants
- Carcassonne Big Box 1 from 2006:
- Wants
- Carcassonne Big Box 2 from 2008:
- Wants
- Carcassonne Big Box 3 from 2010:
- Wants
- Carcassonne Big Box 4 from 2012:
- Owns
- Carcassonne Big Box 5 from 2014:
- Wants
- Around the World 1: South Seas:
- No interest
- Around the World 1 mini-exp: Friday:
- No interest
- Around the World 2: Gold Rush:
- No interest
- Around the World 2 mini-exp: The Sheriff:
- No interest
- Around the World 3: Amazonas:
- No interest
- Around the World 3 mini-exp: Leipzig:
- Wants
- Around the World 4: Safari:
- Wants
- Around the World 4 mini-exp: Spiel Doch!:
- Wants
- Ark of the Covenant:
- No interest
- Cardcassonne:
- No interest
- The Castle:
- No interest
- The Castle - Falcon:
- No interest
- The City:
- No interest
- The Dice Game:
- No interest
- The Discovery:
- No interest
- Hunters & Gatherers:
- No interest
- Hunters & Gatherers (2nd Edition):
- Wants
- Mayflower / New World:
- No interest
- My First Carcassonne/Carcassonne Junior:
- No interest
- Carcassonne Junior (new edition):
- Wants
- Over Hill and Dale:
- No interest
- Star Wars:
- No interest
- Star Wars – Expansion 1:
- No interest
- Travel Carcassonne:
- No interest
- Zamek:
- Wants
- Zamek: Sokol:
- Wants
- Mists over Carcassonne :
- Wants
- Mists over Carcassonne - Spell Circles:
- Unknown
- Winter Edition - Download Version:
- Wants
- Winter Edition (WE1):
- No interest
- Winter Edition with River (WE2):
- Wants
- Winter Edition with River, Abbot (WE3):
- Unknown
- Winter Edition (WE1)-The Gingerbread Man:
- No interest
- Winter Edition (WE1) - Crop Circles:
- No interest
- (2014-2023)
- Carcassonne base game:
- No interest
- Exp 1: Inns & Cathedrals:
- No interest
- Exp 2: Traders & Builders:
- No interest
- Exp 3: The Princess & the Dragon:
- No interest
- Exp 4: The Tower:
- No interest
- Exp 5: Abbey & Mayor:
- No Interest
- Exp 6: Count, King & Robber:
- No interest
- Exp 8: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars:
- No Interest
- Exp 9: Hills & Sheep:
- No interest
- Exp 10: Under the Big Top:
- No interest
- Big Box 6 (2017):
- No interest
- Demo Version:
- No interest
- Carcassonne for 2:
- No interest
- Spiel '14 Tile:
- No interest
- Spiel '15 Tile:
- No interest
- Spiel '16 Tile:
- No interest
- Spiel '17 Tile:
- No Interest
- Spiel '18 Tile:
- No Interest
- Spiel '19 Tile:
- No Interest
- Spiel '20 Tile:
- Owns
- Spiel '21 Tile:
- Wants
- Spiel '22 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '23 Tile:
- Unknown
- The Labyrinth:
- Owns
- Japanese Buildings:
- No interest
- The Watchtowers:
- No interest
- Saint Nicholas Scoring Board:
- Unknown
- The Festival:
- No interest
- The Markets of Leipzig:
- No interest
- Fruit Bearing Trees:
- No interest
- German Monasteries:
- No Interest
- The Barber-Surgeons:
- No Interest
- Spiel Doch Mini Expansion:
- No Interest
- Castles in Germany:
- Owns
- The Tollkeepers:
- No Interest
- Cathedrals in Germany:
- No Interest
- Halflings:
- No Interest
- CutCassonne:
- No Interest
- The Land Surveyors:
- Owns
- The Demo Spiel:
- No Interest
- (2019-2023)
- Carcassonne Maps - Germany:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - Benelux:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - France:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - Iberian Peninsula:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - Great Britain:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - USA West:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - USA East:
- No Interest
- Carcassonne Maps - Taiwan:
- Wants
- Carcassonne Maps - Ukraine:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Map Chips:
- No Interest
- (2020-present)
- 20th Anniversary Edition:
- Wants
- Carcassonne 3.0 (2021):
- Wants
- Big Box 3.0 (2021):
- Wants
- Peasant Revolts:
- No Interest
- The Gifts:
- Wants
- The Signposts:
- Wants
- The Festival (C3):
- Wants
- Castles in Germany (C3):
- Wants
- Ukraine Tile:
- Unknown
- The Bets (C3):
- Unknown
- 3D Starting Landscape:
- Unknown
- 3D Starting Landscape with Alt. Inlay:
- Unknown
- The Wonders of Humanity - Set I (C3):
- Unknown
- Cathedrals in Germany (C3):
- Unknown
- The Markets of Leipzig (C3):
- Unknown
- German Monasteries (C3):
- Unknown
- The Tollkeepers (C3):
- Unknown
- The Drawbridges:
- Unknown
- The Watchtowers (C3):
- Unknown
- Fruit-bearing Trees (C3):
- Unknown
- Snakes & Ladders:
- Unknown
- The 4 Seasons - Spring:
- Unknown
- The Wonders of Humanity - Set II (C3):
- Unknown
- (2023-)
- Carcassonne Maps - Germany:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Benelux:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - France:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Iberian Peninsula:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Great Britain:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA West:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA East:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Taiwan:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Ukraine:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Nordics:
- Unknown
- Mini Bundle - Set I:
- Unknown
- Lucca Map Mini Game:
- Unknown
- Date Registered:
- January 15, 2021, 05:44:12 PM
- Local Time:
- October 05, 2024, 01:18:07 AM
- Last Active:
- Today at 03:07:08 PM
Completed: Robber's Son | Gambler's Luck | Vistas Revisited | First Wells | The Flying Machines 2
WIP: The Occult Tower | Binding Deed | Wandering Preachers | City Gates Rebuilt | New King's Orders
WIP: The Occult Tower | Binding Deed | Wandering Preachers | City Gates Rebuilt | New King's Orders