Jede belagerte Stadt, die waehrend des Spiels fertig gestellt wird, zaehlt nur 1 Punkt pro Stadtkarte und 1 Punkt pro Wappen.
Whenever a besieged city is completed during the course of play, each city tile scores only 1 point and also only 1 point for every pennant (instead of the usual 2).
hello kettlefish!sorry, I can't read, die Belagerer follows the escape rules from the Cathars or from the Siege?
I wonder if there should be a footnote recommending to play Siege using the Katharer/Belagerer rules when playing with one or both of those expansions together with Siege? Otherwise it might get confusing.
Started by Hylian87
Started by Duncan90
Started by giulio.cerino
Started by CarcinFool
Started by emi78