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Topics - Le Merlin Fou

Pages: [1]
General / Looking for PNP Base Game, to print BIG
« on: October 11, 2022, 02:35:07 AM »
Hi everyone,
I'm scheduling an event at my boardgame club, about our favorite game here. I will take all my collection, and with some friends, make a little tournament, etc...
I saw at the event at Carcassonne (the town), a BIG game, playable on the floor, and I would make the same. (tiles around 30 cm x 30cm)
So is there anywhere I could have tiles of the base game C2, in HD? Of course, this IS NOT BEING to be sold or anything like that <3 It's just to have the pleasure of creating my own (BIG) favorite game, and share my love of it in a funny way.

Thank you a lot
Long lives CarC
with love
And chocolate

General / Game of Throne / The Wall / mix standart C2 and winter
« on: February 15, 2021, 03:55:48 AM »
Hi everyone,

In the download section I found "Game of throne" expansion ( which you can create a game with Winter on one side and regular Carcassonne C1 on the other one).

After that I founded a picture of this expansion but in C2, and I can't find it anymore... Does anyone have a link to download this or know the autor that I can contact him/her?

Thank you <3

Anything Else / Reupload of old extensions on the old forum
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:32:00 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm a little french guy who want to save every extensions that was created on this forum, and maybe translate them into my langage (for frenchies who are not friendly with English).

Is it possible to reupload some of extensions on the old forum that I can't find anymore (broken link).

As I do this on my breakfast time each day, I'll post a new message each time I found a broken link rather than post a list

So firstly I can't found crop circle 3

If anyone could reupload or send this to me...

I also see that I can't login on the old forum, how is it possible to do so?

Big thanks and love to everyone

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