Juste wait until you hit critical mass of Maps no ?I guess shipping 1 map is the same price as shipping 8
Carcassonne Maps USA East USA West now allow you to travel into the New World too. With the Maps USA you can collect chips, secretly view face-down tiles and get points for revealing them. But be careful! There are also minus points to be distributed if the revealed tile does not find a connection with the adjacent tile just placed there. There are new ways to play the game, due to new requirements and opportunities arising.Also, (usuable) for all Maps, there is a new Mini-Exp.:The Map Chips, which contain a new, different rule for each map.[...]Attention: The rules for USA West and USA East will be added next week.
Started by corinthiens13
Started by grid96
Started by Murphy013
Started by PapaGeek
Started by Decar