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Messages - Challa007
« on: February 08, 2025, 02:27:57 PM »
So, now we also have the confirmation of the tourist office in Carcassonne that the festival takes place during the weekend of 13th and 14th September 2025  ... (thanks @Linkarssonne for getting that confirmation  ) (French) Confirmed participants for our meetup Carcassonne in Carcassonne 2025 so far: @Meepledrone @Willem @Linkarssonne @MMike @Challa007 @Matisek more people are likely to join, so just be patient and stay in contact with Linkarssonne for the accomodation. there will probably be a second house for you all ... To all the others: if you plan to come, let us know here and contact Linkarssonne for help with accomodation
« on: February 04, 2025, 05:29:40 AM »
2025 again, there will be a Festival of the Game in Carcassonne. Hans im Glück just confirmed that the date will be September 13th and 14th 2025 .... whereas the tourist office in Carcassonne still claims that it will be 6th and 7th of September 2025. So if you plan to go, stay put for a little bit longer until we also get the confirmation of the tourist office about the dates. Apart from that: Moritz Brunnhofer, the CEO of Hans im Glück and CundCo announced that this year's festival will be a bigger event than last year..... and now we can guess why: there will be the remake of 10 expansions to present to the public.....  Obviously, we do not know if there will be all 10 of them or only some of them or if they plan something completely different but in any case... ...we are going to have fun together because like last year, this is the perfect opportunity to come and meet in person some of the people of this forum  So, if you plan to go: - tell us here - get in contact with @Linkarssonne who can help with accomodation arrangements (we want to make sure we are all more or less located in the same area, don't we?  ) - wait a little before you make travel or accomodation arrangements until we have the confirmation of the tourist office Let's do this again, last year was so much fun!!  Have a look here if you missed last year's reports....
« on: January 28, 2025, 06:27:25 AM »
I agree with @Whaleyland and expect a complete overhaul of the rules. We might not recognise some of the expansions after reading the new rules (at least I hope so - hahaha). Exciting times ahead. Can't wait to be in Carcassonne in September - I am sure we will see all that there. And imagine the Advent Quizz 2025 with new rules for all expansions.....  .... a nightmare..... :
« on: January 28, 2025, 05:50:16 AM »
I had sent a question about the mini expansion "The barber surgeons" to HiG and we got the following clarifications. Following Kettlefish's tradition... Question in BLUEAnswer in GREENStill open in REDMy own comments in MAROONQ: Can players buy back only one meeple or several meeples during their turn?Here the long version of the question: Can players buy back only one meeple or several meeples during their turn? The rules are not entirely clear. In the section 2. Place a meeple, in German, there is the header "buy back meeples from the bathhouse" (=plural) and the whole section always refers to "a" meeple which is written more as a generic "a". Nowhere it is specified that it is exactly one meeple. That is why we always assumed that you could buy back several meeples at once. However, I have now met people who question this. A case where this becomes important: 1) place a tile It is my turn. The tile completes a city (where I want to place one of my meeples) and two roads (where there is 1 meeple each from another player). 2) place a meeple All bathhouses are full. I buy back 2 of my meeples that are in bathhouses and place one of them in the city. 3) Score features I have triggered several scorings and can therefore decide the scoring order. I decide that the roads are scored first and so the meeples of my two opponents must go to the two bathhouses I have just vacated. I then score the city and can take the meeple into my supply. This means that buying back 2 meeples is a strategic move to send my opponents' meeples "onto the waiting bench".
A: Buying back meeples is independent of the actual placing of a meeple. As you have always done, this is not limited.C: So basically, what they say is: the action "Buy back a meeple" and the action "place a meeple" are independent. Therefore, the fact that you can only place one meeple during your turn does not mean that you can only buy back one meeple during your turn - since there is no connection between the two actions. The action "Buy back a meeple" is not limited, so you can buy back as many meeples as you want during your turn.Thanks @Bumsakalaka for constructing the example for this question
« on: January 20, 2025, 12:27:24 AM »
Thank you soooooo much @Meepledrone to have organised this Quizz once again! It is such great fun participating. It is one highlight in the pre-Christmas time and afterwards  I don't know how you can always come up with such great questions - I think I would not be able to do this even if I tried very hard. In addition, when I look at your lenghty and deeply explanatory answers, I can feel your need to make us all understand those tricky weird rules....  .... this year I felt the "educational sidenote" even in the questions. Very well done!!  . You get one more merit from me for all the work you put into the answers  In the last quizz, after I won, I published my "way of dealing" with this Quizz. After this quizz, I have already added two more points to that list. Beware of easy questions - they are trapped!!!!! is one of them  Also, like @Paloi Sciurala this year, for the first time, I went through all the questions again after Christmas and sent in corrections to 6 answers and I can only suggest you do the same in the next Quizz if you want any chance to be on or near the podium. I just calculated that this gained me 22 points!!!! let that sink in ...  I completely messed up question 20 initially and would have scored -6 points instead of the 12 points, so 18 points difference  Bravo again @Paloi Sciurala for your overall score +1 merit from me Last but not least, I want to thank @Matisek for designing this marvellous trophy. (+1 merit) In my idea, this Advent Quizz should become more and more a community effort instead of a one-man-show and you doing this is the first step in that direction. Many thanks. More thoughts on this "community effort" in my next post...
« on: January 18, 2025, 06:02:05 AM »
« on: January 18, 2025, 12:25:47 AM »
it's a nice tutorial. . i haven't read it completely yet.. but great work... you have my credit . anyway i would accept more real situations with tiles.. many people like pictures and they remember it better. Some situation with a short description. meepledron does very good situations in the quiz.. a person analyzes it better when he has a visual idea.
Thank you for your feedback and your great suggestions!! One day, when I have a lot of time, maybe I can post situations.... let's see
« on: January 13, 2025, 11:21:35 AM »
In games I play, we'll probably still interpret as the there being mist in each quadrant because the art shows mist there but it's good to know the rule before you break it!
Look at it this way: If you look at every tile with mist in this expansion, you will see that mist ALWAYS covers at least one whole edge of the tile. That is the whole purpose of mist, isn't it, to answer the question: while placing the tile do I limit or extend mist. With this in mind, concerning the two tiles of the start tableau which have a tiny little bit of mist on them (because Marcel Gröber is more an artist than a game designer), these tiles will never be able to extend mist. So if you want to argue that there is mist, well you are not playing this expansion anymore but an expansion with your own rules, which is perfectly fine, of course
« on: January 10, 2025, 06:44:54 AM »
There are even more different winter editions: check them out here: WICA is the place where you find (almost) everything concerning Carcassonne
« on: January 09, 2025, 09:32:33 AM »
poor @Meepledrone ... The fact that he has not written anything yesterday means that he must have a huge workload after the holidays... Don't worry, Meepledrone, we are all waiting patiently here.... VERY patiently.... I mean VERY VERY patiently ....  ---------- @KBellon @jamontoast and to all the others wondering.... I was in the same case: I did not anwer correctly to this question and was wondering about this solution. I just did not get it. The explanation that Meepledrone gave me (and the others in our Discord Group from Carcassonne in Carcassonne 2024) which made me understand was: Both ferries can move because you can access them both from the extended road without going through another ferry The roundabout did the trick...
« on: January 07, 2025, 02:46:37 PM »
Wow, there is tough competition this year, that's great  We are half way through the questions and I wanted to give a shoutout to @Paloi Sciurala who managed a zero mistake until now which is quite an achiement.... so bravo!!There is much more trouble to come, some in form of negative points for example  so nothing might be decided yet ... excitement guaranteed until the end....
« on: January 06, 2025, 11:40:38 AM »
wow that's a long explanation  thanks Meepledrone for introduding the community to this kind of riddle... it was not such a desaster after all
« on: January 05, 2025, 03:20:57 PM »
this is when all the new participants to the Advent Quizz thought: "this is so great, this is an enjoyable and easy pre Christmas Quizz" ....... well, the bliss only lasted one question I believe.... they did not know what they were entering into.....
« on: January 05, 2025, 02:18:58 PM »
« on: January 05, 2025, 09:49:45 AM »
Hi everybody I have been busy  I now included The Spell Circles in my checklists and made cheatsheets (overviews) of the order of play in 1 page for a normal game and for a game with the spell circles. In addition, I improved the checklist for a normal game. You can find all these new tools in the first post of this thread: hope you find it helpful. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment. Do you like these checklists? Do you use them? Did you find any mistake? Anything else?