I've created a small landscape with 9 landscape tiles = 3 x 3 tiles. The tiles are placed according the rules, but the start tile is not a necessary component of this landscape. Each tile is different.
The base game has 72 tiles total - but there are only 24 tiles which are different.
The landscape has 9 different tiles (3x3tiles) - placement like the regular Carcassonne rules.
The tile list at HiG will help you - new Edition:
CCII-base game - tiles . The small pictures onto the tiles like farm, garden, etc. have no effect.
You can also look at the tile list for the classical edition
CCI-base game - tiles.
You can place the real tiles and take a photo or you can use the files in the following link.
If it helps people are welcome to use the graphics from this page.
You can click the image you want to get the URL you need to copy into the IMG tags here.
I've in the attachments are some examples from the last riddle.
This is the following CC-MasterMind riddle: Which tiles I have choosen and how I placed them for the 3x3-tile landscape?
There are 3 rows (1, 2, 3) and 3 columns (A, B, c)
If the start tile is placed in the middle of my mini landscape (name of the tile "D") , then it has the position: 2B (2.row and column B).
Some tiles have more than only one meeple (examples







The following Meeple will show you the result of your guesses:

- right tile - in correct row, column and orientation

- wrong tile

- right tile - wrong column and wrong row

- right tile - in correct column

- right tile - in correct row

- right tile - in correct orientation

- right tile - in wrong orientation