Author Topic: Spiel des Jahres stickers?  (Read 1212 times)

Offline Willem

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Spiel des Jahres stickers?
« on: February 14, 2023, 03:34:16 AM »
It's actually been quite a while since i've had this, but never really looked in to it much.

In June 2022, I came across a box on eBay.
Seemingly a German 2nd edition from what i could see, however, it had a Spiel des Jahres logo on the bottom right of the box.

The picture was unclear, so i couldn't see everything, but i saw the SdJ logo, in a place where we haven't seen any before...

August 2022, I finally got my hands on it
As I had the box sent to my Dutch postal address (to save on shipping), it took a while before i could actually examine it.

When holding the box in hand, i saw it wasn't printed on the box, but it was a sticker, pasted onto a German 2nd edition.

I tried to look into it a bit, but couldn't find any reliable information about this. A sticker, from the 2001 SdJ, which is quite specific. I shared the pictures with some other collectors, seeing if they might recognise it, but no-one could give me a decisive answer.
As i didn't find too much about it, I put the box away, and it didn't cross my mind for a while.

Then last week, i came across another such box!
This time, with the sticker being a bit more clear, and on the bottom left of the box. I shared it with a good friend and collector, who was very happy to add this to his collection as well, and share some close up pictures with me.

As mine, this one also has a sticker of the SdJ logo that Carcassonne won in 2001.
I still haven't found out much about it, other than my best guesses, that these might be stickers given out at Essen (in 2001?), or perhaps added to the box by HiG after winning the SdJ? As i've only seen these 2 so far, i'm not sure which would be more plausible.

Anyone here who might have seen these before?

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Re: Spiel des Jahres stickers?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2023, 10:40:23 AM »
Fascinating  :(y) I have never seen or even heard about these.
Pure speculation: Some german boxes which were already printed recieved these stickers after Carcassonne won SdJ to boost their selling. What about the contents of these boxes? re they identical to sticker-less german 2nd edition? Or is there some difference?

Offline Willem

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Re: Spiel des Jahres stickers?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2023, 11:19:45 AM »
I agree, I think they were added by HiG after winning the SdJ, before their 3rd printing which had the logo on it.
Winning the SdJ is a big thing, so it would be a shame to not advertise it on the box. Older stock of the 2nd printing could definitely use these.
The contents are just those of a regular 2nd edition, nothing changed there

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