Thought I upload a few pictures today.

The RPG expansion is immense and a progressing slow. But it's ok, that's part of the fun! My apologies for the lousy resolutions as I'm still stuck with my cellphone's camera.
Some of the elements tested are:
The 'dungeons'. Golden pyramids on the pictures, hopefully distinguishable. The Tower expansion is replaced with dungeons, ruins and similar events. If a player chooses to, he or she can draw a challenge card and place a follower on that tile until the challenge is complete and get a reward.
Resources (for crafting or selling). There are various coloured transparent gem tokens that acts as resources representing the player's coloured meeple. Wheel of Fortune tiles are now resource tiles. (one tile is one resource worth and any numbered tile is one resource + that number.)
Start setup of tiles. Disregard the heaps around it.

Takes forever to pile up every time I do tests!

A three player game after the initial River placed.

Few minutes into the game.
-Golden pyramid challenge card was: When at least one city or road is completed linking the tile (with pyramid) you gain all completed combinations. Example: The tile with a pyramid has a city and a road. When a tile placed later in the game completes the city (even without followers) and advertently also completes the road (again even without a follower), the player who has a follower next to the pyramid scores for both the city and road.
-The transparent red gems are there on the picture just to show how many resources the

player received for placing the Wheel of Fortune tile with the number 3 on it when the road was completed by the


So, without finishing the game properly, my sister and I decided to fill out the entire table with as many tiles as possible!

Thank you for reading!