Author Topic: A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign  (Read 2662 times)

Offline SxN

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A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign
« on: January 12, 2021, 09:47:18 PM »
Hello Experts,

I was looking at this epic expansion by Whaleyland and got a bit confused on the scoring section; hoping you can help me figure it out.

Scenario Scoring
    After each scenario, scores are determined following the standard rules of the base game and
    any included element(s). Points for the campaign are then awarded as follows:

        First Place — 10 points
        Second Place — 6 points
        Third Place — 3 points
        Fourth Place — 1 point

    These points are placed on the Campaign Ledger that tracks all ten games of the campaign.
    At the end of the campaign, these points are added together to determine the winner of the
    campaign. The highest score wins. If there is a tie, the player who ranked first the most times

    After each scenario is ended, the winner also receives a reward that they may use exclusively
    in the following scenario (see the individual scenarios for rewards). In subsequent scenarios,
    all players receive the special benefit. Special benefits are cumulative and remain for the rest
    of the campaign. Benefits are used following their standard rules as printed in their expansion

    The player with the lowest cumulative score (based on the points on the Campaign Ledger) is
    the first player in the next scenario.

Grand Campaign Scoring
    After completing each campaign, continue onto the next campaign. Record final campaign
    points on the Grand Campaign Ledger after each campaign is completed. In addition,
    players receive +1 point for each scenario that they won in a campaign.

What I understand is that this is a bit like tennis, but instead of game, set, match, it is organized as scenario, campaign, match.

Scenario points are those resulting from "traditional" scoring of a Carcassonne game. The winner of the scenario gets rewarded by a benefit (one scenario before the other players). Also, the next scenario is begun by the player with the least cumulative score from all the played scenarios in the current campaign.

After playing the last scenario, the scoring for the campaign is the cumulative score of the 10 scenarios. The winner is the player with the most points. In case of tie, out of the potential winners is chosen the one with the most won scenarios.

Once the campaign winner is known, it receives 10 more points, the second place gets 6 more points, 3 points extra for the third place, and 1 for the fourth.

The score for the match is the sum of all the points earned by player in campaigns. On top of that, there is a 1 point bonus for each won scenario.

After all this additions, the victor is the player with the best score.

Is this how it works?



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    • Derek R. Whaley, PhD | Librarian, Historian, and Writer
Re: A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2021, 10:40:43 PM »
Greetings SxN. Since I designed the Campaign Mode, I suppose I should answer.

Basically, any scenario's points only matter for that scenario. They are not carried over in any form to the next game or to final scoring. After a scenario is done and all the final scores are tallied, you then assign Campaign Points according to players' rank in the scenario. These aren't bonus points that are added to the scenario's points, these are the total points each player receives for that scenario. Thus, if four players were playing a scenario:

The player who got first place (say 78 points) receives 10 Campaign Points
The player who got second place (73 points) receives 6 Campaign Points
The player who got third place (64 points) receives 3 Campaign Points
The player who got fourth place (51 points) receives 1 Campaign Points

The reason for this system, which was adopted from the Memoir '44 Campaign rules, is it allows players to catch-up more easily if they fall behind. Otherwise, one really good scenario score could give a player such a lead that it is hard for any other player to catch up, making the rest of the campaign pretty pointless (a problem that exists with campaign-style games like RISK Legacy).

If a group is playing the Grand Campaign (all five 10-scenario campaigns), players also receive 1 Grand Campaign Point for each scenario they won in a campaign. There is a separate score pad for the Grand Campaign and five custom scorepads for each of the normal campaigns.

The winner of a campaign is the player with the most Campaign Points, not the accumulated total of all normal points earned across all ten scenarios. The winner of the Grand Campaign is the player with the most Campaign Points across all five campaigns including 1 Grand Campaign Point per player for each scenario won.
 For example:

Blue won 4 scenarios, got second place in 3 scenarios, third place in 1 scenario, and fourth place in 2 scenarios. Their final score for the campaign is 63 Campaign Points. If playing in the Grand Campaign, their Grand Campaign score for this campaign would be 67 since they get +1 point for each campaign they won.

Red won 3 scenarios, got second place in 5 scenarios, third place in 1 scenario, and fourth place in 1 scenario. Their final score for the campaign is 64 Campaign Points. Note that, though they ranked second in more scenarios, their final campaign score was still higher than Blue's. If playing in the Grand Campaign, their Grand Campaign score for this campaign would be 67.

Only a campaign's score, not the Grand Campaign score, is used to determine the winner of a single campaign. So in the example above, Blue would have lost the campaign since they had 1 less point than Red. However, the two would be tied in the Grand Campaign at this point (but would still have four more campaigns to go!).

I hope that clarifies things some. :-)

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Re: A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2021, 10:07:14 PM »
I think I understand now. Thanks Whaleyland!

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Re: A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 10:07:59 PM »
Hello again,

In an old post ( there was an interesting proposal to have the rules of this Grand Campaign presented as a deck of cards.

Here is a possible version, with a few twists:
  • The verbiage was a bit changed here and there to save space and make it fit in a card space
  • The order of paragraphs was not respected rigorously, for the same reason
  • While the scoring logic is the same, the way to capture it is not. The original system with ledgers to be printed and filled in was, for me, a form of overhead. Instead, I am proposing using tokens (one time print) and explaining how will they achieve the same scoring
  • The prints are on both sides of cards, and content is arranged and placed accordingly. Page 2 is the back of page 1, page 4 of page 3 and so on

I hope you'll like it :)

Hmmm... how do you proceed with files exceeding 1 MB?

Offline SxN

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Re: A History of Carcassonne: Grand Campaign
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2021, 06:49:55 AM »
I've split the document, compressed and got the following "regulation" attachments:

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