My first game report, I feel I want to share this game with people who might understand...
Mother-in-law had a family dinner, but me and my 7 year old son got mysteriously ill during the night and stayed home while the rest of the kids left with her.
Shortly after they left, we felt better again. What to do on a cold winter day?
First snacks, mint and almond chocolate bits:

Then a game, perhaps?
Draw the randomizer tiles to choose expansions:

Base game, Siege/Cathar, Tower, German Cathedrals, Feuding Families, Inns & Cathedrals, Sheeps & Hills, The King, Pestilence, Gardens, Medieval, WoF, Fortune Teller, Seasons, Abbey & Mayor (No Barn), Labyrinths, German Castles (not in picture). Roughly 240 tiles, 14 towers and 1 abbey each, seems like a good sunday afternoon!
Then setup, the kid gets 2 extra meeples handicap:
You might see that we use a larger meeple for clarity regarding big meeple. The mini meeple is a 1/2 strength add-on we play with, to be played in the immediate cross from the parent meeple. Fun. The dragon was eaten shortly after the picture was taken.
Game begins by son stealing the 3 first large cities and taking a 100 p lead which he held for the next three hours, winning the game!
Sorry for the blurry photo, just to see the playfield...

Pink 617 - White 539

Now as the rest of the family are returning, we feel a bit worse again and might return to bed, it is important to rest when you are ill!
edit: whilst writing this my son wrote his own game report, I just had to include it. If you can´t understand the language it says that he got lucky with 3 cities, won a large road worth 42p and that he took all my farmers with his towers: