While Z-Man hasn't managed to get the 20th Anniversary distributed yet, there is the sticker set. One of my kids is pretty excited about them. We've been looking into stickers for meeples, and it seems like, as this thread indicates, that the 20th Anniversary is not the first set of stickers that HiG has made. I looked on cundco and didn't see any old stock. Do people have links or references to official HiG stickers for Carc that they have done before? I might have missed it in the wiki, though I searched there, too. -
https://nostheide.de/webshop3/product_info.php?products_id=177They still sell the magazine with stickers
Maybe attracking for kid
Since the 20th Anniversary Edition provided me with an extra *cough* fifth *cough* set of meeples, I did apply them. They are of identical quality to the Spielbox stickers from about eight years ago, which I applied to my Wheel of Fortune meeples back then. My advice for applying them is carefully position them on each side of the meeple and then use your fingers to squeeze the meeple for about five seconds. Make sure your hands are on the warmer side, too. This will get the sticker's glue nice and deep into the meeple. I have done that with all of the meeple from this set (as well as a pink set sans the pink Abbot, which I am still waiting for from my Advent order of over a month ago now). I don't think any of the stickers have fallen off or gotten loose. That being said, the stickers are fairly obvious. The sides are thick enough to be visible on the meeples and because the wood grain is not flat, there are small air pockets across the sticker. I personally think they look fine and I prefer these stickers far more than the Spielbox stickers, but I recommend applying them only if this is your second (or more) set of meeples.
Started by Liambass
Started by Viperion
Started by Willem
Started by nili3000042
Started by carca82