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Messages - Meepledrone

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 342
Thank you for this clarification.

+1 merit from me

It is a little something... taking form in my mind. O0

Thank you!

I'm now working on the litle surprise... I hope I can finish it soon. ^-^

Yes, you have:
* A field on the left.
* A small field top right.

[Q1] Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the trees separate the field between the cemetery and the city?

[A1] Theoretically you could even find 3 fields there.
Yes, this a tile which could have a better design. We can consider 2 fields. The big tree one the right separates the fields.

The trees in the cemetery separate the fields. There are several field patches visible among the branches, but we should see the branches as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

I don't know I see only 1 field here.

This is a new installment of the same issue we discussed about betting offices and their flag poles in The Bets. Marcel Gröber is carried away by artistic licenses that clash with the expected canon.

[Q4.2] In this example, does Red score 4 or 6 points for the castle? It depends on the answer to Q4.1.

[A4.2] So, it's 4 points.

HiG confirmed their answer from 2022:

[Q4.1] Does the start tile have 2 or 4 quarters with mist? Are the bottom left and the top right quarters worth 2 points for a castle? They have a small speck of mist with no ghosts, so they may be just an artistic license.

[A4.1] There are 2 quarters with mist only. The small specks of mist are just an artistic license.

We had this question answered in 2022 from a different perspective. Please see Q3 and Q4 here:

Additionally, as per the Mists over Carcassonne rules, a mist bank on a tile always has ghosts symbols. These mist specks are too small to have any ghosts in them, so they could not be considered as proper mists banks for the spin-off and therefore for Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries.

[Q3] Does this tile have 2 or 3 fields? There seems to be a small field surrounded by the city, the road and the mist.

[A3] This third "field" is so small, that could be seen as an artistic license, not as an actual field. You could barely place a meeple in it.

This tile has two fields on it, and this micro-field is just a decoration.

[Q2] Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the castle towers separate the field between the castle and the city?

[A2] Yes, the towers separate the fields.

The castle towers separate the fields. There are several field patches visible between the towers, but we should see the towers as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

It is a case similar to Q1.

[Q1] Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the trees separate the field between the cemetery and the city?

[A1] Theoretically you could even find 3 fields there.
Yes, this tile could have a better design. We can consider 2 fields. The big tree on the right separates the fields.

The trees in the cemetery separate the fields. There are several field patches visible among the branches, but we should see the branches as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

[Q0] Can Ghost, Castles and Cemeteries be considered officially the 11th major expansion as Moritz called it in a presentation video? Or major Expansion 11 is planned to be something different?

Please play from 0:17 to see Moritz’s comments:

[A0] It is not fully clear. Basically it's an expansion but not in the same way as the other majot expansions.

So it should not be seen in this line of expansions, as if it was official, it should be show on the box.

We will have to be ready to remove the references to Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries as Exp. 11 on WICA as soon as a new expansion numbered as Exp. 11 comes out and confirms the status change. If so, Mists over Carcassonne/Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries will enter the league of The Wheel of Fortune.

I sent a few questions about Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries to HiG and we got the following clarifications.

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Some other questions about this expansion were covered in this previous topic:

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: January 21, 2025, 03:09:27 PM »
What I've found interesting around MoC as well, is that Moritz said in a video that is was Expansion 11, and it is listed on Cundco under Expansions, but on the box and in the rules it doesn't refer to it as Expansion 11.

I precisely asked Ron about this last week. He couldn't confirm MoC as the 11th expansion. But he also suggested that if the box doesn't show the number, this must be mean something.

So maybe we will have to update the references to this expansion (included in MoC) as soon as it is confirmed with the release of a new major expansion if it is numbered as Exp. 11.

Thank you very much everyone for participating. It was fun to put together the questions and explore tricky scenarios. I split many questions into several parts so everyone could get points even if the answers weren't 100% correct.

If I drove you nuts, I hope it was only a little. O:-)

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