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Messages - Paloi Sciurala

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 43
General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: January 28, 2025, 06:12:23 AM »
@Whaleyland: You are pretty dramatic. :(

@PRND21: It's possible, but not very easy. Go to any WikiCarpedia page and press Alt + Shift + P.

General / Re: 20th anniversary edition question about box coloring
« on: January 27, 2025, 03:17:28 PM »
The downside of this edition is that you cant tell the different language versions apart from eachother from the front of the boxes,

@Willem: What about the Finnish and Russian boxes?

General / Re: 20th anniversary edition question about box coloring
« on: January 27, 2025, 06:15:33 AM »
@djiksvampir: From where did you buy your copy of the 20AE?

General / Re: 20th anniversary edition question about box coloring
« on: January 27, 2025, 06:07:19 AM »

General / Re: 20th anniversary edition question about box coloring
« on: January 27, 2025, 05:09:21 AM »
I have the 20AE from CundCo, and I can confirm that the colors here are exaggerated.

Your Google Drive files are inaccessible.

[Q2] Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the castle towers separate the field between the castle and the city?

[A2] Yes, the towers separate the fields.

The castle towers separate the fields. There are several field patches visible between the towers, but we should see the towers as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

It is a case similar to Q1.

So this tile has 2 fields?

General / Re: 2025: What should we expect from HiG
« on: January 19, 2025, 01:12:43 PM »
Note: From time to time, I'm asking him about the PDF rules of the minis in the Mini Bundle - Set I. Still waiting for them.

I hope that you use different emails/accounts for that! :D

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / Impressions
« on: January 19, 2025, 08:26:50 AM »

  • The Advent Quiz would not be the same without that (kitchen?) countertop as the background for the pictures.
  • Grinch questions were not very difficult (as usual). The Murdle question was more stressing, but it turns out that I would have still won had I not answered it.
  • The 'question' word is misleading. How many questions do you see at "Question #21", for example? ::)
  • Considering the 2023 edition, I have thought that the only way to win was to have a better time than Challa007. But again, it turns out that I would have still won had I had an astronomical time.
  • In December 24th, I began retaking the quiz from zero. Then, I have compared my new answers with the answers I have already sent Meepledrone. This helped me correcting a few answers (Question #6, Question #11, Question #20, some additional lengthy clarifications for some of my previous answers to stay on the safe side). If you want to be the next edition's winner, I suggest you to do exactly that next time.
  • I haven't checked WICA that much (excepting for Q#20). I have checked some clarifications/paragraphs to stay on the safe side, but I could have largely managed even without checking them.
  • I have been on first place since Q#2 until the very end. :)
  • Many questions are more easy to check/solve if you download the image and paint on it using a simple image editor, like Microsoft Paint.
  • Some expansions are fully (no questions involving them) or largely (too few questions involving them) neglected by these quizzes: Exp. 7, TWoF, The Plague, Mini #1 (somewhat), Mini #2, Mini #6, Exp. 8 (bazaars only), Exp. 3 (the dragon and somewhat the princess), Wind Roses. Maps and spinoffs could also be used. There is also the Solo Variant. And the Saint Nicholas Scoring Board. And Meeple Stacking... Just imagine scoring such a pyramid! But of course, all of these are up to Meepledrone.
  • I have turned on email notifications for this thread (the button "NOTIFY"). This helped me answer very fast.

  • #2 & #18 – As I have previously said, the time spent translating this thing paid off.
  • #4 – Too simple a trap to me to fall into it.
  • #5 – I haven't realized that there were actually two different roads until I saw @oldbonz's comment. Of course, I already knew that the Autumn statue tile does not have any roundabouts, but when I was answering the question for the first time, I have not been able to use that higher piece of knowledge, unfortunately.
  • #6 – I have initially gave a wrong answer. After having changed my answer (After you have scored everything, you look on the scoreboard where the scoring meeples are.) after many days, I have corrected it. And seeing that Challa007 gave a wrong answer to this question raised my hopes.
  • #7 – Same as #4.
  • #8 – Watchtowers scoring per meeple can be confusing because some of the adjacent meeples might be removed before the watchtower is scored. I have added a lengthy explanation on that!
  • #8.5 – This question lingered on my mind for a long time. What helped me answering it was Meepledrone practically saying on Discord that a each meeple is of a different color and in a different location (which was not deductible from the question itself); see here. That "The normal meeple seemed red to Chanchito" drove me to make some research on what colors do pigs see. That "blue-ish" meeple was clearly a blue phantom, though.
  • #9 – Some players really enjoy wasting castle tokens and mayors.
  • #10– Not very hard. I had to make some explanations about the wagon, though, and I have forgotten for a while that the Tikal Temple tile has a 3-tile road.
  • #11 – I have answered point h) only as a result of the December 24th revision.
  • #13 – Annoying, because I had to make that lengthy explanation about why those middle bets could not have been placed. But I have received 1 bonus point for it! :)
  • #14 – As always, ferry related explanations can be hard. The only scenario I missed in my answer is 1C, but this did not change my score.
  • #16 – Really, Grinch? How many fields are there in this scenario? I am disappointed in you... I want something harder from Grinch the next quiz.
  • #19 – See here. And WICA helped me, too.
  • #20 – There is so much to say about this one... Multiple revised answers, very lengthy explanations. Under my first answer, only tiles D and E were placeable. I have later realized, out of the blue, that this was not true. Royal gates for farmers were tricky. What do vistas score and what they do not was tricky, too. I have revised my answer over and over. Eventually, my only mistake in this quiz was an interaction between the black fairy and the Hans statue. I have read this passage, "The -3 point penalty when scoring a feature is halved if the Black Fairy is on the same tile as the Hans Statue.", but I have failed to grasp the true meaning of it. More exactly, I am talking about "if the Black Fairy is on the same tile as the Hans Statue.". I am still not a fan of questions involving fan expansions, though. But it was very easy to recognize the expansions, because I have read their names multiple times on WICA, even though I have not previously properly read the rules themselves. :)
  • #21 – Ghost questions are not really hard, but it is easy to give a wrong explanation. Once I saw that I gave the correct answer, I was already pretty sure that I have won.
  • #22 – Annoying, lengthy explanations about drawbridges and cities...
  • #23 – The same classic trap involving the Exp. 5 CCCF tile with the city bridge.
  • #24.1 – I highly doubt that's true. We all know that Chanchito is actually at fault.
  • #24.2 – The School and Russian Promos are always tricky, but I have survived this question.
  • #24.3 – Very easy. But I was wondering whether this question was actually a trap. But this helped easing my fears.

I hope that I will see Chanchito in Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXV, too. I really enjoy making fun of him! I think that he is one of the best characters in the Advent Quizzes! And I still want a Safari question with Chanchito. :D

Wow, negative points really damaged @corinthiens13's score!

I plan writing later a review with my impressions on this edition of the quiz, but for now, this should suffice.

I have played MoC and Exp. 11, but I have never noticed on my own that the mist on starting tile visually extends a bit over all of the fours square spaces. 

First clarification for 2025. May it be one out of hundreds clarifications given in 2025!

Well, the time spent translating this thing paid off.

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