« on: January 25, 2017, 05:22:33 AM »
Hi All
Im pretty new to the forum and dont know why it took me so long. my wife and I are both huge caracassonne fans and have been for many years, recently we got bored with the new edition as they are taking their time to release the updates/expansions for the new look, so weve been looking for some addons to the new version just to give it a bit of a kick. after spending many hours on Dr Google ive ordered alot of new parts and spare for my game as well as found some very interesting shops for spares. below ill include a list of the websites.
Ive also purchased a new printer and blank tiles and am very keen on getting the fan made expansion printed starting with Coast and River II. (A major Thanks to the makers)
So if anyone is looking to spice up their games check these sites:
BoardGameExtras.co.uk (Complete Carcassonne meeple sets in all 11 colours, including seperate purchasing off Robbers,Abbots,Sheperds in all 11 colours to fil up old/new versions)
Meeplesource.com (character meeples!! Great addon as a scoring meeple, or replacement of mega meeple, who doesnt want a zombie or dragon)
Cundco.de (Full Colour sets for Carcassonne that include Abbots and Sheperds as sets of 18 parts, Blank Tiles, game mags, mini expansions and much more)
spielematerial.de (Great for addons like castle pieces out off wood, Ships, sheep, female meeples, different look meeple, custom meeples and stickers, overall great for custom pieces)
basicallywooden.co.uk (Great Carcassonne storage solutions, Wood Castles, Ferries, Score Tokens, and my personal favorite bridges and SKEW brides)
Hope everyone finds this helpfull, greetings from South Africa, till next time