Best of luck with that. 70 other people here would bite a right arm off for a copy too. There are some images of the 70point score track here on the forum.
So long as anyone reading this knows this is probably the hardest Carcassonne artifact to find and should see a price to match. Carcassonne was released in 2000, I'm not sure of the month, I suspect the print run was limited because it was not know how popular the game was goint to become. By 2001 the 2nd edition was relelased with the grey 50 point board and also picked up by at least a French publisher. Later in 2001 the SdJ was won and the rest is history. So in less than 18months the game had gone through 3 iterations.If you're a completionist have you got:> All three print runs of Corn Circles?> Two sets of Teacher Meeple Essen/Cundco are slighty different> Both versions of the Russian Tiles from HobbyWorld> All 3 versions of the Cult> A first edition of Brazilian Carcassonne / the 2nd> Both versions of the Gingerbread expansion> A misprinted King tile?These are all easier to get hold of than a first edition Carc!Dan, I'm utilizing stemscells so I can bite of a third leg!
Cool, new stuff to run after.
I am not even slightly bothered about trying to locate a mis-printed tile or anything like that. What are the differences between the different cults and the different crop circles? I only really want the stuff which is actually different rather than just has a slightly different bush on the tile.
If you're a completionist have you got:> All three print runs of Corn Circles?> Two sets of Teacher Meeple Essen/Cundco are slighty different> Both versions of the Russian Tiles from HobbyWorld> All 3 versions of the Cult> A first edition of Brazilian Carcassonne / the 2nd> Both versions of the Gingerbread expansion> A misprinted King BC&B tile?
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Started by Murphy013