Note that the scoring of any meeples takes place as usual, so if the fairy or any ghosts were assigned to a meeple on a road wih drawbridges, they should be removed after the road is scored. The only difference is those meeples on the road to be moved are not returned to their owners... It is similar to moving a wagon into a city in C1 (the distance moved didn't matter).
Yes, of course majority has to be taken into account. Didn't want to repeat the rules in every sentence.
• Move the wagon into the incomplete city, no matter its distance to the city.
Please excuse my image without any meeples on it![...]Is that what the rules allow?
Please excuse my image without any meeples on it!Red places the CCCF tile and claims the city with his meeple. On his next turn he draws and adds the Cathedral Tile and places his builder on it. Then Green draws the Monastery Tile, places his Green meeple on the Monastery, leaving the road unoccupied.On my Blue turn, I draw the Drawbridge tile. As I understand the rules, I can add it to the incomplete Red city, and place my Large Meeple on the Drawbridge road!The road is now complete so I score 2 points, and the Drawbridge is down because the city is incomplete, so I can also move my Large Meeple into the city!Is that what the rules allow?
Started by Broadstorm
Started by Whaleyland
Started by Meepledrone
Started by joanBC
Started by Scott