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The Dragon and the Fairy

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We played our first Princess and Dragon expansion tonight, and one question was in the front of everyone’s mind. When you place the Dragon tile, if you do not place a meeple, can you move the Fairy before the Dragon moves?

Just did a Google search on the subject and got a lot of conflicting answers, and WikiCarPedia does not give a definite answer either.

Item 2. Placing a meeple says: You may place a meeple on a Dragon tile, unlike Volcano tiles. Then the dragon moves.

 Then 2b. The dragon moves: the very first words are: Starting with the active player and proceeding clockwise, players take turns moving the dragon one space at a time (vertically or horizontally) until the dragon has moved 6 spaces or is unable to move.

The Fairy portion of the page talks says: The fairy moves: On any turn in which you do not place (or move) a meeple, you may assign the fairy to one of your meeples by placing the fairy directly next to it.

OK, it is not specific!  If placing the dragon includes the 6 moves of the dragon and one of the dragon moves causes a meeple to be “moved” from the board back into a player’s supply, then you would not be entitled to move the fairy.

There are a number of “Additional clarifications” on the WikiCarPedia page, and there are a number of conflicting answers to this question on various website for the Google search: What is the official ruling on this question?

Can I place a dragon tile, then move the Fairy from another player’s meeple onto my meeple for my personal protection BEFORE the dragon moves?


Let me add one more comment to this question:

On each move during the game, the players can make a decision to either place a meeple or move the fairy.  If your big city is near the dragon, it might be worth not placing a meeple to protect that city.

If the person who draws a dragon tile has the right to remove your protection before the dragon moves, why even bother to try to defend your position?

Moving the dragon is the very first thing in section 2b, which is part of placing your meeple.  The entire process of “placing your meeple” or “moving a meeple” has not been completed yet, so how can you move the Fairy if the meeple placement or movement has not been completed?

In my opinion, the player who places the dragon tile should wait until after the dragon moves to see if they are able to move the fairy, which can happen only if the dragon did not consume any meeples!

Yes,the dragon moves after the "placing a meeple" step, so you can move the fairy, before the dragon moves


The ddagon is NOT a meeple, here's the confusion  :yellow-meeple:

See meeple list here:

So final answer is yes you can  ;)

As answered by corinthiens13, Yes the active player can move the fairy or place a meeple before moving the dragon happens, and then entering the scoring phase

The meeples consumed by the dragon are technically ‘eaten’ rather than ‘moved’ and effectively ’respawn’ back with their player.

The dragons moves are initiated by the active player drawing a dragon tile but are not technically part of the active players turn (it just happens during it), so consumed meeple are not being ‘moved’ by the active player.  Otherwise the dragon would technically only be able to eat one meeple per turn :)

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So what you are saying is that the Fairy is a useless object during the game!  The ONLY player who has any use for the Fairy is the player who draws a Dragon tile. It is a total waste of time to sacrifice placing a meeple during your turn to move a Fairy to protect your features because only the person who draws the Dragon tile can do that!  The only player who can protect a feature from the Dragon is the player who actually draws the Dragon tile!

Can you also explain the words (or move) in the definition of when the Fairy can move?  If part of the definition of placing the dragon tile includes moving the dragon which can land on a meeple and “move” it back to the owners supply stack, isn’t that movement of a meeple part of placing the dragon tile?

It is interesting, the printed version of the Zman game rules ( defines moving the dragon as “1b” part of Placing a Tile, while the WikiCarPedia online rules have moving the dragon as “2b” part of Placing a meeple.  Was this an attempt by WikiCarPedia to make sure that “or move” has no meaning for the player who draws a dragon tile!

We talk about the Princess, but these rules make the person who draws the dragon tile, the King!

I’d be interested in what the other players think about the way this has been redefined, 1b to 2b!

Also, can someone give me an example on how meeples are “moved” during the game! Are we only talking about the wagon meeple? And of course doesn’t that only happen after the scoring phase, not the placement of tiles and meeples!


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