See the series introduction
<--Last WeekJCloisterZone File.
Introduction: Continuing with the game from Week05, 5 turns later...
Configuration: Base game only (72 tiles & 7 meeples per player)
Players: Black, Gray, Red, Yellow (order of play as listed, alphabetical by color name).
Score: B=8, G=8, R=8, Y=8
Previous Turns & Scoring:
1. B[ 1; 0] FFRR / thief /
2. G[ 0;-1] FRRF / thief /
3. R[ 2; 0] FCCF / farmer /
4. Y[-1;-1] RFRF / thief /
5. B[ 0; 1] RRCC / knight /
6. G[ 1;-1] RFFR / /
7. R[ 2;-1] CFFF / knight / R+4
8. Y[-1; 0] CRRC / knight /
9. B[ 0; 2] RFRF / farmer /
10. G[-1;-3] RRCC / knight /
11. R[ 3; 0] FRRC / knight / R+4
12. Y[-1; 1] RCCC / thief /
13. B[ 0;-2] RCRR / knight / B+8, G+8, Y+8
14. G[ 4; 0] RFRR / farmer /
15. R[-2;-1] CFCC / knight /
16. Y[ 3; 1] FFFF / monk /
17. B[ 1; 1] RRFR / thief /
18. G[ 3;-1] RRCF / thief /
19. R[-2; 0] CCCR / /
Current Decision (photo below):
Yellow has now drawn a CRFR tile.
Where should they place the tile?
Should they place a meeple and if so, where?
Feel free to comment on previous moves, but the emphasis is on Yellow's current move.
Option A (photo below)
[-3; 0], FRCR, meeple as knight in the city.
Option B (photo below)
[-1;-3], CRFR, meeple as farmer in field next to city.
Option C (photo below)
[ 3;-2], CRFR, meeple as farmer in field next to city.
Option D (photo below)
[ 3;-2], CRFR, meeple as knight in the city. (Yellow scores 4 points)
Option E (photo below)
[ 5; 1], RCRF, meeple as knight in the city.
Option F (none of the above)
Please describe a better play in your reply.