Total Members Voted: 13
I like Option E because sharing is caring
@Bumsakalaka’s alternative 'H1?' of adding to Grey's city at (FCCC -2,-2)... or my 'H2' preference (CFCC -1,-3)
I set up this situation hoping that option A might be compelling. I've been exploring some advice that @danisthirty gave as part of tip #3 in his 4-player strategy post: basically, you can place your CCCx tiles with no expectation of completion, as long as they are placed to be easy to expand and difficult to invade. It can be worth one meeple to have a place to put your city tiles that can't go anywhere else. And maybe you'll end up completing it, but it is okay if you don't. At least that's what I think he said. So, that's why I like option A--opponents are busy elsewhere, so hopefully it is easy for Red to just add some more tiles and end up with useful points at the end?I'm going to self-play this in JCZ and see if I change my mind. Hopefully I will also find an interesting question that arises as after Red plays the group consensus of Option E. Stay tuned for week 06...
Option A does have merit, but for me the current state of play requires Red to either claim a farm invasion opportunity (to secure the likely big farm) or ensure the big city scores for them whether completed or not and whoever else is involved.
I’d be interested to hear how the play through turns out.
JCZ rocks.
Started by kothmann