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Topics - Challa007

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News and Events / Carcassonne in Carcassonne 2025
« on: February 04, 2025, 05:29:40 AM »
2025 again, there will be a Festival of the Game in Carcassonne.
Hans im Glück just confirmed that the date will be September 13th and 14th 2025 .... whereas the tourist office in Carcassonne still claims that it will be 6th and 7th of September 2025.
So if you plan to go, stay put for a little bit longer until we also get the confirmation of the tourist office about the dates.

Apart from that:
Moritz Brunnhofer, the CEO of Hans im Glück and CundCo announced that this year's festival will be a bigger event than last year..... and now we can guess why:
there will be the remake of 10 expansions to present to the public.....  :D
Obviously, we do not know if there will be all 10 of them or only some of them or if they plan something completely different but in any case...

...we are going to have fun together  :D  because like last year, this is the perfect opportunity to come and meet in person some of the people of this forum  :D

So, if you plan to go:
- tell us here
- get in contact with @Linkarssonne who can help with accomodation arrangements (we want to make sure we are all more or less located in the same area, don't we?  >:D )
- wait a little before you make travel or accomodation arrangements until we have the confirmation of the tourist office

Let's do this again, last year was so much fun!! :D   :D   :D

Have a look here if you missed last year's reports....

I had sent a question about the mini expansion "The barber surgeons"  to HiG and we got the following clarifications.

Following Kettlefish's tradition...

Question in BLUE

Answer in GREEN

Still open in RED

My own comments in MAROON

Q: Can players buy back only one meeple or several meeples during their turn?

Here the long version of the question:
Can players buy back only one meeple or several meeples during their turn?
The rules are not entirely clear. In the section 2. Place a  meeple, in German, there is the header "buy back meeples from the bathhouse" (=plural) and the whole section always refers to "a" meeple which is written more as a generic "a". Nowhere it is specified that it is exactly one meeple.
That is why we always assumed that you could buy back several meeples at once. However, I have now met people who question this.
A case where this becomes important:
1) place a tile
It is my turn. The tile completes a city (where I want to place one of my meeples) and two roads (where there is 1 meeple each from another player).
2) place a meeple
All bathhouses are full. I buy back 2 of my meeples that are in bathhouses and place one of them in the city.
3) Score features
I have triggered several scorings and can therefore decide the scoring order. I decide that the roads are scored first and so the meeples of my two opponents must go to the two bathhouses I have just vacated. I then score the city and can take the meeple into my supply.
This means that buying back 2 meeples is a strategic move to send my opponents' meeples "onto the waiting bench".

A: Buying back meeples is independent of the actual placing of a meeple. As you have always done, this is not limited.

C: So basically, what they say is: the action "Buy back a meeple" and the action "place a meeple" are independent. Therefore, the fact that you can only place one meeple during your turn does not mean that you can only buy back one meeple during your turn - since there is no connection between the two actions. The action "Buy back a meeple" is not limited, so you can buy back as many meeples as you want during your turn.

Thanks @Bumsakalaka for constructing the example for this question

News and Events / HiG and the Oktoberfest 2024
« on: September 21, 2024, 10:48:58 AM »
Today is the start of the Oktoberfest 2024 in Munich, city where HiG is located.
For the occasion, they have released a special offer Oktoberfest:

for every order placed with within the next 3 weeks (21.09. until 13.10.) you will receive a free coaster.
There are two types of coasters, displaying meeples with the typical Oktoberfest clothes of men and women.

You can find a link to the official announcement on the CarcassonneCentral Facebook page.

PS: on a side note: check also the Download section, my new Oktoberfest München fan-expansion is available for download since today  :D

Hi everyone,
you might have seen, that HiG published some videos and photos today on facebook / Instagram.

The winner of last years lottery (20 years edition) came to visit HiG in Munich today - Felix is his name. In this context, HiG made a few videos and pictures.
They are really lucky because the weather is perfect in Munich today!! The first day of sun after a long time of grey and rain  :D

Here are the transcriptions of 3 passages in the videos I found interesting:

Wie macht ihr das mit anderen Sprachen, habt ihr da extra Verleger oder extra Distributoren?
Es ist so, dass wir selbst immer nur die deutsche Version machen, d.h. wir entwickeln in Deutsch und dann haben wir auf der ganzen Welt andere Verlage, die bei uns die Lizenz kaufen. Die übersetzen dann die Spiele in ihre Sprachen, schicken uns ihre Daten zu und wir produzieren dann zusammen oder für die in Deutschland die Spiele und schicken die dann in die Welt. Es sind insgesamt, glaube ich momentan 26 Verlage auf der ganzen Welt in 26 Ländern in über 30 Sprachen, weil wir Länder haben wie z.B. die Nordics, die übernehmen halt mehrere Sprachen wie Finnisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch und teilweise auch Dänisch, daher sinds einfach ich würde sagen 35 Sprachen in denen dann das Spiel da rauskommt.

Die Regel, die wir haben ist: das Logo soll das Logo bleiben und es muss vorne auf der Schachtel drauf sein. Sie können es dann schon ändern, aber das " Branding" - Brand Logo, muss auf der Schachtel vorhanden sein. Das ist jetzt bei bestimmten Spielen nicht so einfach, die einen deutschen Titel haben. Aber wir schauen eigentlich, wenn wir die Spiele machen mittlerweile schon darauf, dass das Ganze einen internationalen Namen hat.

Was ist eigentlich der Auftrag von HiG oder wo fängt der Job des Verlags an?
Das ist eine Frage, die stelle ich mir auch jeden Mogen, wenn ich aufstehe.  ;)
Also, anders wie andere Verlage oder große Verlage mache wir hier hauptsächlich die Entwicklung, das heißt, wir machen die kompette Spanne zwischen der Spielidee, die der Autor oder die Autorin zu uns bringt, d.h. sie bringen eine Grundidee mit einem Mechanismus. Ihr kennt alle Carcassonne, die Grundidee ist: ich decke ein Plättchen auf, ich lege das Plättchen passend an ein anderes Plättchen an, dann muss irgendwas pasieren, damit ich Punkte bekomme. Wenn das jetzt die Grundidee ist, dann kommt der Autor damit zu uns und wir schauen uns diese ganzen Prototypen das ganze Jahr über immer wieder an, entscheiden, ist das cool, macht das irgendwie Spaß, hat es irgendwie was Spezielles. Und dann wird meistens ein Vertrag ausgehandelt zwischen dem Verlag und den Autoren und dann fangen wir an mit der Entwicklung, d.h. wir spielen diesen Prototypen.

How do you do it with other languages, do you have extra publishers or extra distributors?
It is so that we ourselves always make only the German version, i.e. we develop in German and then we have other publishers around the world who buy the license from us. They then translate the games into their languages, send us their data and we then produce the games together or for them in Germany and then send them around the world. I think there are a total of 26 publishers around the world in 26 countries in over 30 languages, because we have countries, such as the Nordics, which take over several languages such as Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and partly Danish, so I would say it's 35 languages in which the game comes out there.

The rule we have is: the logo should remain the logo and it must be on the front of the box. They can make changes, but the "branding" - brand logo, must be present on the box. Now that's not so easy with certain games that have a German title. But when we make the games, we took the habit to make sure that the whole thing has an international name.

What is HiG's mission, or where does the publisher's job begin?
That's a question I ask myself every morning when I get up. ;)
Well, unlike other publishers or big publishers, here we mainly do the development, that is, we do the complete span between the game idea that the author brings to us, i.e. they bring a basic idea with a mechanism. You all know Carcassonne, the basic idea is: I draw a tile, I place the tile matching to another tile, then something has to happen for me to get points. If that's the basic idea, then the author comes to us with it and we look at all these prototypes over and over again throughout the year, deciding, is this cool, is this somehow fun, does it somehow have something special. And then a contract is usually negotiated between the publisher and the authors and then we start with the development, i.e. we play this prototype.

General / Do you recognise this start tile?
« on: March 26, 2023, 02:54:44 AM »
someone on ebay-kleinanzeigen is wondering about a start tile.
For me it looks like a fan expansion but I do not know it.
Does anybody here has an idea from what fan expansion this is?  @wolnic ?
Thanks in advance.

Updated January 5th, 2025

Hi everybody,
it pains me to see that so many people all over the world have difficulties with this great game  :(
Most of the time this is due to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the rules which are really poorly written.
I have checked in many forums and found that ALL players who found this game difficult, have at some stage not played the game as intended.
ALL !!
In addition, level 6 is just not feasable even after HiG adapted the rules. So just forget about level 6 (or play my non-official version of level 6 – see below)

In order to help making this game enjoyable, you can find helpful tools hereafter.

You will always find the latest updates in this first post.

Tools for Mists over Carcassonne

The rules
Forget the official rules (even the updated rules are still poorly written), go straight to our WICA page and read them there:

The checklist will help you with the game setup and during the game with the order of play (what to do when).
You should always read the rules first and play a game or two on your own BEFORE you refer to my checklist. The checklist does NOT replace rules but will help you understand the rules.
The checklist is available in one excelsheet where you can select the number of players and level with a filter.
The following link leads to my dropbox. Please make sure to download the file, only then you can see the necessary filters.
New version Version 3.0 download here

NEW!!  Cheatsheet: Order of Play on 1 page
I adapted (and completed) the existing versions by HiG/available in the WICA. It is only a cheatsheet but you might find it helpful.
You will find the pdf at the end of this first post.

Strategy guide
For all the people who still find this game difficult, I have made a little strategy guide in form of strategy comments on a documented real game.
Try this out as a challenge:
You play the game in parallel and make your own tile placement choices BEFORE you read the choices other players made or I suggest.
I hope this is a fun way to get into the spirit of this game.
Strategy comments on a game - download here

Hard but feasable non-official version of level 6
Take the rules of level 6 and change just one thing: instead of 3 scoring meeples you take only 2.

NEW!!  The expansion: Spell Circles
Did you know that Mist over Carcassonne already got an expansion? You can read the rules of "The Spell Circles" in the WICA here:

I made a checklist including the spell circles.
You can use this checklist with or without spell circles. Please find general explanations in chapter "Checklist" above.
Checklist including Spell Circles - download here

I also made a "Cheatsheet: Order of Play on 1 Page" for a game with the spell circles. You will find the pdf at the end of this first post.

Update January 5th, 2025:
- reorganised the text of this first post for better visibility
- removed checklist version 1.0 with old rules which was previously available next to version 2.0 with current rules
- added new improved version 3.0 of the checklist
- added chapter on Spell Circles with its own checklist
- added cheatsheets with the order of play for all levels with and without Spell Circles

General / What is your favorite tile in the basegame?
« on: January 27, 2023, 03:01:43 AM »
I know, it is an odd question, but nevertheless.... what is yours?

Mine is this one, because it offers so many nice possibilities  >:D


no no no, Meepledrone, do not read any further!!!!!  >:D

From here only for all the others...

Hi everybody,

Meepledrone is doing such a great job providing us the Advent Quizz and giving us a great time and a lot of fun with that.
I know that it is taking him a lot of work to do it.

So I thought it would be nice to give him a present.  :)
What do you think? Would you like to join in and participate?

We just asked him on Discord and it seems this time of year, he really appreciates the Spanisch Kings cake...
What if we gather enough money to ask his favorite bakery to make this cake in the shape of a meeple?

Is there anybody here who speaks spanish?

I hope you like my idea and join in  :)

General / How do you shuffle your tiles?
« on: December 04, 2022, 01:23:03 AM »
This dialogue from the " I love the postman" thread had me thinking...

My big existential question of the moment related to carcassonne is to know if I invest in sleeves to protect my tiles.  ???

If you use a bag to draw the tiles is a must...

It really is. I was playing a copy of Hunters and gathers 2nd edition out of a bag and you could tell a few pieces has already taken a beating

We do not use a bag but the tower for the tiles. But we need to shuffle them and I can clearly see that they get rubbed from that!

We put them face down on the table and shuffle and I think, clearly, that is not a good idea....

My BB5 tiles got a little damaged so I just had to buy a new BB5 box (for a good price ;) ) but would like to avoid that in the future.
Also, I don't want to use sleeves.

Any ideas how to shuffle without damaging the tiles?

General / Info: CundCo now catching up on problems with Advent sale
« on: January 26, 2022, 10:07:44 PM »
just wanted to share the good news:

Like many of us, I had a problem during the advent sale with postage calculation on the CundCo website. I wrote to CundCo on Nov 29th and got back an answer yesterday afternoon as well as the refund of the too much paid amount.  :)

Background: My order could have been shipped as normal letter but was calculated AND shipped as parcel. So, in fact, they shipped according to the cost but I still got refunded because they acknowledged there was definitely a problem with their webside.

I don't want to re-start a discussion here, this is just an information.

Hi fellow players,

I am not new to the Carcassonne world (I am German and I played from the beginning of the game...), I am not even new to this forum (I joined in 2017), but after many years of silence and background activity (meaning crafting those wonderful fan expansions and playing them with much joy) this is my first post :)
I am a little sad to see that the activity around Carcassonne seems to go down and I am getting the impression that most of the players left are die hard CC I fans....  :yellow-meeple:
Dont get me wrong, I also do prefer CC I (for a lot of reasons) but I have no trouble playing with mixed games or even with only the new edition.
So, is my impression right or wrong? Pleeeease convince me that I am wrong  ;)

The real reason why I am asking 8):  I am just now developing my own very first fan expansion - idea was from a few days ago (I posted it in the German Carcassonne Forum) but it is only for CC II.
Do you think I can find players willing to test knowing that test has to be in CC II ? Are there even enough active players to find somebody willing to test? 

Thanks a lot for replying! :) :) :)

PS: and thanks a lot to all the wonderful people who have created those wonderful fan expansions I like to play with... :)

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