Me playing Carcassonne is so rare, I almost considered putting this in the News forum.

(just kidding)
My friend Jeffrey invited me over to play a game of Carcassonne on Superbowl Sunday. He recently bought I&C and T&B on my suggestion. His family is enjoying I&C very much, so he hasn't opened T&B yet for fear of them not wanting to play anymore. He's waiting until they get bored, and then he'll introduce T&B to them.
Jeffrey is one of those unfortunate people who bought Carcassonne towards the end of Rio Grande's publishing contract, so he doesn't have the River expansion.
Here's the table after the last tile went down:

I just noticed that my feet are in the picture.

I was playing

and Jeffrey was

It was a very close game; when we added up the points, we were perfectly tied prior to scoring his farms, and he put both his farmers down on his last two turns. If I had done the same thing, I could have won. Jeffrey got both cathedral tiles and managed to finish both of his cathedral cities. We turned the TV on seven minutes into the game, and finished around the start of the half-time show, but we also made strawberry mango smoothies during that time. (Jeffrey used to work at a fruit smoothie place before he decided to change careers and went back to school.)