I broke down and started looking for the Wheel of Fortune a couple of weeks ago. It was impossible to find it anywhere online for a reasonable price. I happened into a local game store...lo and behold!! I found a copy for the retail price. So, I bought it.
I've had a run of good luck, being able to buy every expansion (even The Cathars - when it was inexpensive). I only need The Catapult and Hills & Sheep. I have various siege tiles and various cult tiles, so I think I've covered those too...
Looking at the profile list - What in the world is The Windroses 2??
And....I really need a clean, neat way to organize, store, carry my goodies.
This guy...on Etsy has a good idea:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/180691799/a-complete-carcassonne-box?ref=related-2I've contacted him to make some changes to his box design, and I'm waiting to hear back from him. I hope it's soon!
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