I own only official expansions as of now. I haven't bought blank sheets yet – they are on the to-buy list after some other items (like the Carcassonne maps and maybe some other spin-offs). If I will ever print any Carcassonne fan expansions, I will play them (but not very often, TBH – mostly like an 'experiment' – I am still a purist at heart, but after playing so many games of 'official' Carcassonne, I could consider playing a game with fan expansions). But when seeing the price on CundCo (yes, I know that it is cheap), I cannot help but thinking that I could buy something else – another tower dispenser, a tile bag, scoring flags...
Nice yellow barn! Sad green barn.
What is the small rectangular piece with two bumps on one side? Oh, is that a cart?
Also what are the fancy buildings?
Both barns are on the same field.
It is a wagon placed as a claustral prior.
ELEMENT OF THE WEEK: THE MONASTERIES…As a digression, this expansion, as well as Carcassonne 2.0, have now utterly confused the landscape of Carcassonne with conflicting religious terminology. Cloisters have Monks, Abbeys also have Monks, Monasteries have Abbots, but Abbots are also what are placed on Gardens and Cloisters in Carcassonne 2.0. And just to add more confusion, Z-Man Games now calls Cloisters Monasteries (which actually matches the German usage of the term). So...yeah. In English, there are a lot of different terms that can be used for these things—Monasteries, Cloisters, Abbeys, Convents—but there are also a lot of terms that can be used for who occupies them: Monks, Nuns, Abbots, Priests, Clerics, Priors, or even Bishops and Cardinals. Forethought was something Hans im Glück sometimes fails at, but here they really just have confused the heck out of everything!
…the special monasteries are German monasteries (from Monasteries in Germany).
Started by gantry
Started by Whaleyland
Started by asparagus
Started by Paul
Started by aenima