I think the worst game I played was at a meetup in Rugby. It was still fun, playing with people, but we played with 3 base games and a mixture of mini fan-expansions. It took about 3 hours to play as there were about 7 players. Basically it just took too long for me, a real marathon with lots of down time. I think it might have been better to play 4 or 5 games with groups in the same time. On the other hand I have a very vivid memory of all being sat around the massive table and explaining the rules of the fan expansions as they came up. So as much as I like to complain about it, it was still a great experience
...I think the mistake was having 3 core boxes rather than 2.
The robbers were more of a pain than anything, being basically invalidated by the messengers.
Started by Decar
Started by wallaceprime
Started by danisthirty
Started by DIN0
Started by avantar