The Rules for (1) Shortest Road: say that if I have a highwayman on more than one road, I have to choose the road that is worth the fewest points, then score it as I would during final scoring. The footnote (2) says:
The scoring for Messages 1, 2 and 3 only considers those points related to the feature. No bonus associated to any meeples placed on the feature are taken into consideration, since the focus of this message is scoring the feature. Those bonus points for meeples would be scored when the feature is properly scored.
SO, what does this all mean if one of my incomplete roads has an Inn on it?
Let’s say that the road has 3 tiles so far. When I am looking for my road with the fewest points, does this road count as 6 points, 3 points, or 0 points? If it does count as 0 points, am I forced to choose it as my road with the fewest points making my message worth zero?
And while we are at it, How does Message 2 work with a city with a Cathedral?