Today was published new JCloisterZone 5.5.0 (
This new version brings brand new Russian Promo 2016 into JCloisterZone and cointains Vodyanoy and Solovei Razboinik.
Due to not well specified rules for this mini expansions, authors made this decisions:
1. If Meeple can be traped with Solovei and Vodyanoy, Solovei is used, because in rules are used word must (vodyanoy used will be) - also in original russian rules.
2. If Meeples are on Solovei or Vodyanoy Trap and other Vodyanoy is placed in adjacent tile, so these are affected with new placed Vodanoy, nothing will happend, because, Meeples are alredy trapped.
3. Meeple is moved to Trap after confirm of placement of meeple, to be carefull