Author Topic: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy  (Read 2953 times)

Offline corinthiens13

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Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« on: February 19, 2021, 05:58:54 AM »
When a meeple is taking flight from the plague, we may move it on another part of its feature as long as it doesn't have to go through an infected tile.

Would it be correct to extend this restriction to the dragon as well as to tiles affected by Vodyanoi (when a meeple is taking flight from the plague, we may move it on another part of its feature as long as it doesn't have to go through an infected tile, a tile containing the dragon, or a tile affected by Vodyanoi)?

I didn't find any clue about this on WICA, but it seems logical to me, a meeple taking flight is considered as "passing" one tile after another, that's why it can't go through an infected tile, and so also not through a tile containing the dragon, or a tile affected by Vodyanoi. :yellow-meeple:

Any thought ?


Offline DIN0

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2021, 09:14:45 AM »
I do not think that would apply here. Vodyanoi traps Meeples which end up on the 8 surrounding tiles, it does not block any movement. Your final destination would have to be one of those tiles. The same with the Dragon.

Also the whole "taking flight from the plague" mechanic is meant to apply only to the plague (as the name suggests).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 09:17:23 AM by tp10053 »

Offline corinthiens13

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2021, 09:20:01 AM »
I do not think that would apply here. Vodyanoi traps Meeples which end up on the 8 surrounding tiles, it does not block any movement. Your final destination would have to be one of those tiles. The same with the Dragon.

But a flea token do also have the same mechanic as the dragon (remove figures from its tile), it isn't meant to block movements, yet it blocks plea flight  ???

Offline DIN0

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2021, 09:22:54 AM »
I do not think that would apply here. Vodyanoi traps Meeples which end up on the 8 surrounding tiles, it does not block any movement. Your final destination would have to be one of those tiles. The same with the Dragon.

Also the whole "taking flight from the plague" mechanic is meant to apply only to the plague (as the name suggests).

But a flea token do also have the same mechanic as the dragon (remove figures from its tile), it isn't meant to block movements, yet it blocks plea flight  ???
Yes, but that is a expansion-specific function of flea tokens. In regard to the spreading of the plague, yes they function similarly to the dragon. However their blocking of movement applies only to the fleeing action. For example they do not block wagon movement.
It is a self-contained mechanic (the blocking of fleeing movement that is).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 09:24:29 AM by tp10053 »

Offline corinthiens13

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2021, 09:24:18 AM »
Also the whole "taking flight from the plague" mechanic is meant to apply only to the plague (as the name suggests).

That's true, but you may for example have a meeple on a road with the dragon on your left, and a flea token on your right, can your flee the plague if this imply passing over the dragon?

Offline DIN0

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2021, 09:25:28 AM »
Also the whole "taking flight from the plague" mechanic is meant to apply only to the plague (as the name suggests).

That's true, but you may for example have a meeple on a road with the dragon on your left, and a flea token on your right, can your flee the plague if this imply passing over the dragon?
Yes you can, just do not place it on the same tile as dragon - as you said, just passing by.

Offline Meepledrone

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2021, 01:00:01 AM »
The Plague was not created by HiG buy by Christwart Conrad (the same as The Tunnel). This is the reason why the mechanics involved break the normal turn sequence in Carcassonne. This expansion designed for the base game has some dark spots that remain unclarified:
* Do special figures get to flee too? So far, we consider they stay put.
* Can meeples flee any time or only when their feature is affected by the plague? So far we consider any time.
We sent him some questions a few months ago, but no answer yet.

The Russian Promos, created by Hobby World, also have this permanent effect for Vodyanoy and Solovei Razboynik, that we don't know if it affects directly special figures either (question sent but no answer yet either). Their effect defies the one-time effect of the usual mechanics in Carcassonne. And even it is not clear what happens when both tiles affect the same meeple simultaneously (which tile gets to trap the meeple?)

Since both expansions have different authors and therefore they don't acknowledge the existence of the other or any other expansion but the base game, I wouldn't try to consider additional rules or constraints, and keep things simple. So when fleeing the plague, I would consider no interactions with the dragon or Vodyanoy for the time being.

Of course you may house rule any additional constraints if you wish. ;)
Questions about rules? Check WICA:

Offline corinthiens13

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Re: Plea flight and the dragon or Vodyanoy
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2021, 01:15:43 AM »
The Plague was not created by HiG buy by Christwart Conrad (the same as The Tunnel). This is the reason why the mechanics involved break the normal turn sequence in Carcassonne. This expansion designed for the base game has some dark spots that remain unclarified:
* Do special figures get to flee too? So far, we consider they stay put.
* Can meeples flee any time or only when their feature is affected by the plague? So far we consider any time.
We sent him some questions a few months ago, but no answer yet.

I'm playing with "meeple can flee only if their feature is affected by the plague" rule. Allowing to flee anytime makes the dragon and the towers useless  :o

Since both expansions have different authors and therefore they don't acknowledge the existence of the other or any other expansion but the base game, I wouldn't try to consider additional rules or constraints, and keep things simple. So when fleeing the plague, I would consider no interactions with the dragon or Vodyanoy for the time being.

Of course you may house rule any additional constraints if you wish. ;)

I'll keep the "when a meeple is taking flight from the plague, we may move it on another part of its feature as long as it doesn't have to go through an infected tile, a tile containing the dragon, or a tile affected by Vodyanoï" house rule, it seems more consistent to me.  :yellow-meeple:

We sent him some questions a few months ago, but no answer yet.

I hope we're gonna get one  ::)

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