Author Topic: Alternate rules for Catapult.  (Read 2419 times)

Offline Drodo

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Alternate rules for Catapult.
« on: July 07, 2020, 06:56:29 PM »
I bought a used copy of this rare expansion and there is no way I'm using the official rules because I don't want to break the catapult or damage my tokens or tiles so I'm in need of alternate rules for the Fair tiles in the Catapult.

I found these rules in BGG and I liked it but it doesn't use the tokens:

When a Fair tile is drawn, you can use it as a regular tile, OR, when it is placed on the board and there is at least one opponent meeple on one of the 8 surrounding tiles, choose one meeple that will be drawn to the fair, distracted. The meeple leaves the feature to join the fair. This cannot be done if said feature is completed with this tile. It must be left incomplete.

Then, the player who placed the tile draws a second one. If the second tile can be placed in a way that adds up to the forsaken feature, and there are no more meeples in it, he can place a meeple in the feature. If the tile doesn't fit anywhere, he must return the tile to the bag and his turn ends. The distracted meeple then returns to the feature to take back its place.

Also if the second tile completes the disputed feature, it's not scored until a meeple is put back in it, from either player.

I like this idea a lot but it is unclear about what happens to the distracted meeple when a feature is stolen. I guess it returns to the player but I think the losing player should at least be compensated in one way.

My idea is that, regardless of having the feature stolen or not, the meeple that visited the fair gets a prize from it in the form of a token. Put 12 of the catapult tokens (3 of each type) in a bag and draw one.

1- Cake to the face: 0 points. No fun!
2- Catch ball token: 1 point. Catched a gift!
3- Target hurling token: 2 points. Won a contest!
4- Seduction token: 4 points. The meeple met a nice gal and found love!

If the feature was stolen, the fair meeple is returned to the player after claiming its prize.

The prize token does not go back into the bag.

What do you think?

« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 12:01:48 AM by Drodo »

Offline Halfling

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Re: Alternate rules for Catapult.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2020, 12:26:03 AM »
The displaced meeple that is returned does not give his player any points compensation, same as a removed meeple in Princess and the Dragon. These rules are workable and a definite improvement on the original rules.

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Offline Drodo

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Re: Alternate rules for Catapult.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 12:35:52 AM »
Removed meeples in princess & dragon, tower or other expansions do not give compensation because the meeples are just removed. The features are left empty and to claim it you need another turn.

In here, however, you might be able to remove a meeple *and* steal its feature in the same turn. If you succeed, you could be stealing a lot of points in a single turn, it would be too strong. The player gets a compensation even if you fail to steal a feature, take it as a punishment for attempting an agressive move and failing. Karma!

Offline Halfling

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Re: Alternate rules for Catapult.
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 02:51:56 AM »
I like the level of risk reward in the new rules. I would not expect compensation. Perhaps next tile I remove the opponent. Karma!

Offline Paul

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Re: Alternate rules for Catapult.
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 04:11:45 AM »
I have been toying with the idea to use it in conjunction with The Tower.
  Using the catapult to hit the tower counts as a hit and you'd remove a wooden Tower piece. When all pieces are gone and there is a meeple there, it's returned to the owner.
 Additional rules: if it was your turn and it's your meeple on the tower, the hit causes you to take back your meeple, regardless how many wooden Tower pieces still standing.
  Additional rule 2: If it's your turn and it's your meeple that was on the tower when hit you can place it on a city, road or farm on that tower tile provided you have not alteady placed a meeple.
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