I know about czech one Carcassonne: Thief
https://www.carcassonneforum.cz/thread-3585.html?highlight=zlo%C4%8FejExpansion by adding new cards and thief pieces to the game.
When you receive trip cards, the thieves check the ends of the trips apart. The thief doesn't stop at the crossroads, they just can, they go the same way. If he stops in a city that is occupied, the image that is used in that city will be captured. Thieves are only interested in valuables, so the city owner robs you of the starting points for coats of arms in the city and is waiting for you who want to shop and builders.
After visiting the city, you turn to the thief to your owner.
A thief never steals his owner, so he cannot be established in the city where the owner of the thief has survived and when he is in the city where the owner made money through the money earned from the city issued. In case you earned money on a city, you can control the owner of the thieves together with the knights of other players in such a city based and his opinions become all foreign knights.
There can be more thieves in one city.
The thief does not rob the thief, but unites in the plunder of other knights, who in the city steal their body and divide.