Carcassonne's publisher
Mobius Games proposes that we play carcassonne in solitary mode but with specific conditions. On the web, if you click on the blue icon, the meeple to be used and the corresponding tile will appear on that turn.
There are some important changes regarding the official rules and is the tiles are grouped by tile type and not in three random heaps as the official rules. You must try to place meeple with each tile whenever you can and the conditions to end the game are the same. If you can place a tile but you do not have the indicated meeple of the color that the web tells you, the game is over and then even if you place it you do not score if you close something.
You can translate the web without problem. The challenge is until
Thursday 04/30/2020 10:00 AM. When you're done, add your hashtag #carcsolo to Twitter and tweet as "67 points". You will find all the information here: