Hello everyone!

So, earlier this evening I got this idea of a sliding puzzle using Carcassonne tiles. Surprisingly, with a few tweaks you too can actually play this!
What I did:
1. Created a .jpg file with a finished 5x5 grid using the basic tiles that comes with the game.
2. Upload it to my server (picture below).
http://sydby.com/carcassonne/screenshots/CarcassonneSlidingPuzzle25.jpg3. Unfortunately, as far as I know it needs Google Chrome installed with the addon 'Puzzle for Chrome' which is free and one-click installed.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/puzzle-for-chrome/mbalnpbcmecdckpghgacibglihkgamkl?hl=en4. Went to my picture using Chrome browser and simply right-click on it selecting the addon 'Puzzle for Chrome' and the next second I was already playing it!
YouTube clip to a recorded game test I did:
The picture I created:

Credits goes to 'unintended' user, real name Daniel Perez Alvarez for this great addon for Google!
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=391.0