Forum TimeZone is set to Los Angeles.
Something went wrong with forum time zone: I had 10 hours offset from forum time, now I have only 3!
Quote from: MrNumbers on August 14, 2016, 07:03:46 PMSomething went wrong with forum time zone: I had 10 hours offset from forum time, now I have only 3!Maybe try the auto detect feature to set time zone? You might get +3, which really is GMT+3, as I got -4 at Ann Arbor MI USA.
Of course, I have already done that, but the question is: why it had suddenly changed?
So the offset was relative to the forum time zone and is now relative to GMT? The former one requires knowledge of the forum's timezone whereas the latter one only requires knowledge of one's own timezone.
I was saying that time on the forum server suddenly has changed. For example, in one moment it was 1pm, and suddenly changed to 8pm same day. My offset was set to 10, and after forum time has changed, forum started to give me wrong times of all messages. I was forced to change my offset to 3 in order to see right times of messages.
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