We have played Carcassonne for a number of years but never been sure on the rules around completing something which does not have a piece already in it. (See the attachment).
What I mean here is, if there is a city, which has no knights in it, and you pick up a piece to complete it, can you complete the city, and take the points (effectively putting your piece in it as you lay it)? Similarly, and not so likely, you place a monastery in a ring of 8 pieces, can you take the 9 points? The same sort of things applies to roads.
We have always played the rule, if there are no pieces already assigned to the road, or city, and you complete it, then you cannot just take the points. But today for the first time we had the scenario with a monastery, and this did not quite fit with our 'rule'.
Does anyone have a clear view on this? Thanks in anticipation.
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=2296.0