Things I'd change:1. Landschaftskarten Schule: I would change this to "school landscape tiles", since "school" is an adjective, which comes before the noun in English.2. siehe Regeln BigBoxen: I would change this to "see Big Boxes' rules".
My own opinions (not to change, just my personal thoughts):1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.2. Wiese: In the CAR, I've used "field" for the feature on the tile, and "farm" for a collection of field segments that has a follower on it and will get scored. That's probably not really a differentiation that HiG has made, though.3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.5. Kultstätte: I kind of prefer "cult place", since that has a more sinister/evil feeling than "shrine". I always feel like the challenge is more of a good vs. evil sort of thing.6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use. 7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.
6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use.
8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.
3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.
1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.
1. Wappen - banner/pennant - we can't say that is a shield because of the crop circles. The crop circle German: "Schild" has the English name "shield".Now you have only the "coat of arms"...
explanation to "Gebiete - features" and "Gebiete im Detail - features details"The headings are my own words. I have sent an email to HiG - Georg Wild. I hope, I get a response from him in the next days.Example:QuoteGebiet wird mit Figur besetzt / erweitert bis Fertigstellung und Wertung- feature is occupied with figure / expanded until completion and scoring
Gebiet wird mit Figur besetzt / erweitert bis Fertigstellung und Wertung- feature is occupied with figure / expanded until completion and scoring
The Phantom and the flying machineIf you use first a normal follower as a flier then the second figure the phantom can't use the flying machine, because that is a feature and it was climed with the first figure. The phantom can only be placed on a road or on the field.The Phantom and the magic portalWhen the first follower goes through the magic portal, then the Phantom can't go through as a second follower. The phantom can only be placed on an open not claimed feature at that tile. The magic portal is a feature.
I have some new "translation" from ZMG: The Tower---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Die Figuren - the figures (RGG+CAR) / the pawns (ZMG)3.2 Turmteil - tower part (RGG) / tower piece (CAR+RGG) / tower floor - floor (ZMG)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gebiet - feature3.1 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gebiete im Detail - features detailsGebiet wird mit Figur besetzt/erweitert/abgeschlossen ohne Wertung- feature with figure occupied /expanded/completed without scoring1.0 Turmplatz - tower place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)1.1 Turmbauplatz - tower building place (RGG) / tower foundation (ZMG+CAR)
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