HiG has to respond to me at some point about the clear meeple. I'll make a post if/when they do. It is sad to see the website pulled though
Quote from: Carcatronn on May 19, 2015, 05:39:20 PMHiG has to respond to me at some point about the clear meeple. I'll make a post if/when they do. It is sad to see the website pulled though I'm sure there will be no shortage of people here waiting to buy them from you when you are eventually given the go-ahead. Please add me to pre-release waiting list!
Carcatronn, my in-laws were just looking through the boxes you sent with South Seas, Gold Rush, and the Winter Edition and they noticed the mini-expansions for the first two games attached to the boxes. Do you know if your copies of Winter Edition included the Gingerbread Man? If not, I'll go ahead and order it from Cundco before it disappears. Thanks for including the other two expansions. Since those both have only a single expansion each, I rather consider them a part of the base game (like The Scout for Hunters & Gatherers). Cheers!
I want to remind you that the gingerbread man can be purchased from cundco only in the winter months.
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