Please post a message under this thread once you've identified something that you intend to write for inclusion in our strategy guide:
- Being Kind to be Cruel #1
(written for first newsletter - needs to be recreated in new forum)
Meeple Trapping(completed as example - needs to be recreated in new forum)
Tips for a 4-player Basic Game(complete - needs to be moved to new forum)
- Being Kind to be Cruel #2 (WIP)
- An Introduction to Tile-Counting (WIP)
If somebody else identifies something that you feel inclined to write about yourself then it may be worth contacting them directly to see if they'd be interesting in collaborating with you on that piece. Otherwise you will have to wait until it has been completed and posted here before you can post your thoughts/ comments. In light of this, collaborations are to be encouraged wherever possible.