I have to say: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede and Udo Schmitz (Carcassonne-on-Tour) played the Dark Ages (Campaign1) at their North Sea tour last year.Both like this campain and the special use of Carcassonne.
My proposed revised series is:– The Legacy of Rome– The Invasion of the Moors– The Resettlement of Gaul– The Hundred Years War– The Wars of Religion
There will be a new master guidebook that precedes the individual campaigns, while I hope to improve the readability of the scenarios throughout. The entire grand campaign booklet will be called "The History of Carcassonne", though I'd like to emphasize somewhere in the title that I am only dealing with its medieval history. Haven't found a creative way to do that yet.
Not sure how I'll cram in the Darmstadt expansion thematically in any of these. All those buildings are modern.
Just confirmed the German: Der Mittelalter
I wonder what Occitan uses? That is the language actually spoken in Carcassonne during this time. Well, Provençal technically.
We probably won't ever voluntarily play with M&W or Wheel again except in campaigns.
Started by Whaleyland
Started by Leven
Started by frksr
Started by SxN
Started by SRBO