I would like to nominate Danisthirty for member of the month.
He is a dedicated and passionate Carcassonne fan and more than that he is determined to promote Carcassonne and help others to enjoy the game he loves so much.
As well as organising the Carcassonne central league, the Carcassonne central world cup, the Carcassonne central forum match he also does the Carcassonne central newsletter. He contributes to almost every thread and has something interesting or useful to say most of the time.
What brought this message on today is that he has promised to send me an empty box which I was whinging I seemed to have lost and when it arrived it had some surprisings in it, consisting of some meeple bags and a copy of the river 2!
Credit where credit is due - this guy is a great guy and a benefit to this forum and top the game of Carcassonne. You know what, he is fairly good at passing the game too - just as long as you don't play towers!
Thanks Dan!
Btw this was written just after playing - and losing - a game against Dan online for an hour and not remembering to say thankyou - so Dan take this as a massive thankyou.
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=1179.0