This was in my son's reading lesson book today. It's very appropriate.

My homework is done; my report is complete.
My family knows I'm itching to compete!
A board game, a card game, a word game - pick one!
For I've played every game under the sun.
My family looks around to find a way out.
"You cannot escape our Game Night!" I shout.
We've had this tradition since I was just four
When we used my cereal snacks to keep score.
Roll the dice; spin the spinner; it's time to begin.
I crow like a rooster, "Tonight, I will win!"
I play by the book. I'm certainly no cheat!
It's gamesmanship that me a game athlete.
While I play the game fair, I am fair game,
For the end of the game is always the same.
I start every game with a plan to defeat.
In the end, I am always the one who gets beat!