Hello meeples!
A couple friends and I will be playing a mega-carc game on Monday and I am looking for some suggestions of rule-modifications to make things run a littles smoother. We are looking at using about 600 tiles, pretty much every official major and minor expansion. Looking for your thoughts on the following:
1. Plague - to play, or not to play? We are definitely going to use the landscape tiles, but haven't figured out how, or if, we are going to incorporate the rules. We don't want to have to flip over flea tokens every turn in a 600 tile game. Maybe just add the plague tiles when we are down to about 100 tiles? Not use it at all? Use it for a pre-specified number of turns?
2. King/Robber Baron --- too many points? too difficult to count roads/cities in mega-carc? any suggestions on these guys?
3. Robber/Messenger --- anyone played with these in mega-carc? are they more of a nuisance than anything? At the moment leaning towards yes to messengers, no to robbers...... maybe no to both. any thoughts/ideas?
4. Princess/Dragon --- looking to possibly incorporate 3 full sets of P&D tiles. For a game so large, should we use multiple dragons? How would that work? Should the dragons move more than 6 spaces? Should the layer of the dragon tile choose which dragon EVERYONE must move? 2 steps at a time per player? Anyone have experience with P&D in mega-carc or a multi-dragon game?
5. La porxada and spiel tile --- thinking of just using the spiel tile and la porxada as 5-point bonuses or something to that effect if they are included in the feature. Any suggestions are welcome
6. Will extra meeples be necessary?? There are several ways of retrieving meeples, so the standard count might be sufficient (dragon, festivals, abbey tiles, crop circles).
7. Catapult -- i think not. Any suggestions for their tile uses? As extra festival tiles??? Maybe draw an extra tile? Maybe roll a die 1,festival 2,bazaar, 3,magic portal 4,volcano .....etc. ?
8. Dutch/Japanese/German cloisters - They will all be in, but should there be a limit for their use since they can be so powerful? maybe 3 per person? (we will be 3-players)
9. Halflings - any creative suggestions for using the 24 halfling tiles?
10. Barns - barns can be quite pesky as they can convert the game into a sneak my guy onto this barned field to get big points type game. That will involve lots of city counting. Any suggestions on how to make the barns more user-friendly in a mega-carc game? Maybe we should eliminate them all-together?
I am sure there will be more issues that come up, so if anyone has any general suggestions, I'd be more than happy to hear them. I am excited (and nervous) to use my Crop Circle I tiles for the first time. We will also be using the fan expansions Fortune Tellers and City Gates for the first time.

Here is a rough breakdown of what we will be playing with:
Base game + start tile = 72
New edition base game = 72
River 1 = 10
River 2 = 10
Carc II River = 10
Misc river springs, lakes, forks, etc ~6
Inns Cathedrals = 18
Traders and Builders = 24
King and Robber Barron = 5 + 2 special
Cathars = 4
Princess and Dragon = 30 (possibly 3 sets = 30x3= 90)
GQ = 11
Abbey and Mayor = 12 + abbeys
Shrines = 5
cult siege creativity = 10
Catapult = 12
Wheel of Fortune = 19
Tunnel = 4
Bridges/Cast/Bizz = 12
Crop Circles = 6
Festival = 10
School = 2
Flier = 8
Messages = 8 special
Ferries = 8
goldmines = 8
mage/witch = 8
robbers = 8
crop circles2 = 6
wind roses = 6
besiegers = 6
hills/sheep = 18
german mon. = 6
dutch mon = 6
japan mon = 6
halflings I + II = (24 half tiles)
darmstadt = 3
castles in germany = (6 double tiles)
russian promos = 2
plague = 6
under big top = 20
fortune teller = 8
city gates = 24
watchtowers = 12
labyrinth = 2
porxada = 1
Thanks in advance for any comments, ideas, suggestions, criticisms
