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Topics - Windekind
« on: May 20, 2021, 08:17:47 AM »
« on: December 17, 2020, 08:45:11 AM »
I am having problems with WikiCarpedia. I keep getting this error: [a674116bd50240ad213c62a7] 2020-12-17 16:39:18: Fatale fout van type "LogicException" With google chrome and with microsoft edge. Is it my computer or something in general?
« on: September 28, 2020, 12:02:01 PM »
In 1233, Pope Gregory IX decides that witches should be hunted and condemned by the Inquisition. However, people liked the witches in their town, they could buy fresh herbs and necessary natural remedies, which made people much less sick in their homes. EXTRA PIECES• 2 witches, one in brown and one in white. • 2 inquisitors, one in brown and one in white. • Extra game board, where the way for the inquisitors leads to the witch's house and where the immolation stake is standing. ADDITIONAL RULES PreparationPlace witch house game board between city walls 13 & 26. Each place your Inquisitor at the beginning of the path. The witches are at 0 on the score wall. 1. Place a tileThe tiles are placed as in the base game. 2. Deploy a meepleA meeple is placed as in the base game. But if you place a meeple on the court where there is a market, you can move your own witch 1 point. The next time you extend the court with one more market, you add up all the markets and move the witch number of points further. Eg. If you place a tile with a court with a market on it. You put your meeple on the court. The court has already has 2 markets, you may move now your witch 3 points further. (2 existing markets + 1 more = 3 markets = points for the witch) 3. ScoreIf your house is completed, you will receive the number of points your house is worth, plus the extra points that your witch is on. The witch remains on the score wall after the count. When you finish the tower, the opponent's Inquisitor moves forward one step on the path to the witch's house. You don't get any extra points from the witch. Once the Inquisitor is on the witch's house. The opponent's witch is then placed on the immolation stake. The opponent can then no longer get any extra points from his witch. Final ScoringAt the end of the game, the player with his burnt witch scores -5 points. Each step that your Inquisitor has taken, you will receive an extra point. Some concerns: - The number of steps for the Inquisitor to the witch's house may be too many. - The drawing is not that beautiful, but I can only work with 'paint'.
What do you think about this?
« on: June 04, 2020, 01:55:36 AM »
When I was looking to integrate existing Carcassonne play figures into the spin-off games, without using new land tiles, I found very few fan-made rules in this regard. Below I have put this that I found in a table. With a black "X", are the play figures where the Carcassonne rules can be applied directly. In red are the modified game rules (fanmade). If there are more fanmade rules, let me know, I can adjust this table. If you feel like creating a fan-made rule, don't hesitate ...
« on: May 12, 2020, 12:50:13 AM »
We have played the game with 2 and we even want to share our experience here. We played the game with the base game, Inns & Cathedrals and Traders & Builders, as directed. I also added the 2 Spiel promo tiles (2018,2019) what I added for the beauty. The first game we followed the basic rules of the folder. We had misinterpreted one line. We understood that there is a road on the edge of the map, you have to end with a road. Ditto for the cities. But because of this we have interpreted that if there is no road or city, then a field should be placed on the edge of the map. We played with this rule and found it challenging. The search where you can place a tile and so do your best to minimize giving points to beat your opponent had a system that we quite liked. This will most likely be a permanent house rule for us. The second game we only played the basic rules, but with the right rules and then we found it a bit boring. There were fewer obstacles and so was just laying tiles and scoring points. Then we played the third game with the extra rules of the Benelux map. The chips ensure that your tactics move a bit and that you build more towards the chips. You are, of course, curious what is underneath. The values of 1 and 2 don't matter that much in your score. But it does make chances if there is a tile on a pile that you really need. Then your focus becomes more focused on a chip to discover to find the correct color. Sometimes you just want to take an island tile to ensure that your opponent cannot get it, even if it is not always interesting for yourself. The Island Tile game has a distinct twist in playing the game. But it depends on which tiles are determined in the stacks. Our experience is that tiles with roads are less interesting than tiles with cities or a monastery. The fourth game we played the extra lines of the benelux card with the rules of each expansion (Inns & Cathedrals and Traders & Builders). This makes the game very interesting. It makes the game more challenging. Especially if there is a cathedral connected with a large city with many coats of arms. There the use of the large meeple was useful. In the rest of the game, the large meeple was hardly made of dune. It ensures that you have extra meeple. The master builder has fewer options in this game, because you do not make large projects. We did not use the pig because it was not played with farmers. Neither have done this in the other games. The Inns make a lot of points, especially if you can link it at the end of the map where a road has a coat of arms. The goods also make a nice extra, because you get goods; but here and there. You must carefully monitor how many goods your opposition has. I do have some questions here. If you end a road with an inn in nothingness against an edge of a map. Is the road finished and do you get the points or is your road not finished and do you get 0 points? Do the meeples have to stay until the end of the game because the road is not finished? These questions are the same for the cathedral.The gene we don't want to test is: - The same as the fourth game, but with our house rule that edge tiles must be fields.
- I would like to try out other extensions. The thing that I now have in my head are bridges, magic portal, ferries, the Mayors, the wagon and the abbey tile (and Halflings (?)).
- A game with farmers. How does this work? I suspect that farmers will be less interesting, because they will be more blocked, because roads are more everywhere the shape of the map. Bridges would then be more interesting for this.
« on: December 09, 2019, 10:19:34 AM »
A question about the 'little buildings': Does it play a role where the 'small building' is on a land tile? For example, in the first example, the house is behind the road. Does the yellow meeple also receive points like in example 2? In the third example, the yellow team also receives points? Or is the small building too far?  Does the yellow meeple also receive points from the tower?
« on: November 02, 2019, 11:20:47 AM »
What I don't understand so well is that this board is called 'Saint Nicholas Scoring Board' and not 'santa Claus scoring board'?
Saint Nicholas comes on December 6 and Santa Claus around December 25. Two different figures. On the score track there is a Christmas tree and a Christmas hat. This is for Santa Claus and not for Saint Nicholas. For Saint Nicholas, it should rather be a chimney and a mitre.
« on: June 30, 2019, 07:04:41 AM »
Is there a difference in follower and meeple?  <-->  Especially in the 1st editions of Carcassonne, followers were used and in the new edition, meeples. If it means completely the same, why this name change (and when?). What is the historical story behind this?
« on: June 29, 2019, 05:45:00 AM »
Most likely with the tiles of the Big Top (Circus tiles & Acrobat tiles) the 'yellow ground' is the same as the 'yellow grounds' in The Catapult and the Bazaars. The wagon is most likely not allowed to travel through the 'yellow ground'.
Am I correct?
« on: June 29, 2019, 05:05:16 AM »
Can the phantom practice acrobatics?
When I look at the rules in wikicarpedia it says, with Big Top - other expansions, "Only normal size can be part of a size pyramid. Neither the large size (Exp. 1) nor any other figures are allowed." But if you look at how the phantom works, it works in the same way as a normal meeple. The phantom can be used as a second wooden figure on a tile.
If you can use a phantom. Would you then be able to place a normal meeple and then a phantom on the pyramid?
« on: March 17, 2019, 07:09:20 AM »
While reading the rules in wikicarpedia I didn't get it, that the Fairy must stand next to a single Meeple or that it may stand next to several.
Extract from the wikicarpedia Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top: You may assign the fairy to an acrobat, in which case it counts for all acrobats in the pyramid (regardless of color). If the fairy is still there at the beginning of your turn, you score 1 point for each of your meeples in the pyramid - This case relaxes the restriction that only one meeple can receive points from the fairy. The Flier (Flying Machines): Only one meeple can be "next to" (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one meeple will receive points from the fairy. Even if another meeple is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Flying Machines), this would not be considered "next to" the fairy. Crop Circles: Only one follower can be "next to" (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one follower will receive points from the fairy. Even if another follower is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Crop Circles), this would not be considered "next to" the fairy.
At the 'Under the Big Top' can the fairy stand at multiple meeple and at 'The Flier' & 'Crop Circles' not. Why?
« on: March 08, 2019, 07:01:40 AM »
I want to post a topic about the feature the princess of the 3rd expansion of Carcassonne The Princess and The Dragon. In the original version, which was released in 2005, says: If a tile fits a city in which one or more knights are located, one knight of his choice from this city MUST be returned to his owner. Somtime later in the release of Big Box 2, Hans im Glück changes the rules from MUST to MAY. It brings the procedure in line with that of the tower, that may remove a follower if the player wishes. The RGG and ZMG editions of the rules maintain the rule that princesses must remove a follower.
Why should it be in the same line of the Tower? It has nothing to do with it?
Personally, I find the rule where you have to remove the knight more interesting. It makes the game more exciting because you know that there are 6 tiles in the game that ensure that a meeple of your opponent will be removed. You can remove your own meeple, but this may not happen very often, except if you can lock your opponent's meeple until the end of the game. But if you have the option of choosing or that you can remove a 'meeple' or not, then I find this tile a lost tile if you do nothing.
Which rule do you find interesting?
« on: January 29, 2019, 02:48:34 AM »
We were playing carcassonne with 2 players. At the end of the game we realized that we did not work well with the number of tiles. My first thought, there is a tile from one of the expansion. The king and the robber baron, in the separate expansion has 5 tiles where there are no symbols on it. I thought one tile is too much, from this expansion, but it was not true. The next step I have laid the tiles separately according to the 'Consolidated Tile Reference' in CAR 7.3. There I came to the conclusion that I had a tile of crfr too much. My basic game comes from the Big Box 5 and there I saw that instead of 72 tiles (with starting tile) there were 73 (with starting tiles). That's weird!
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:50:16 AM »
What are the tactical differences between a 2 and 4 play. I suppose there is a tactical difference, because you have fewer tiles with a 4 play than with a 2 play. Or am I wrong?