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Messages - henrysunset

Pages: [1]
...We essentially agreed that the follower is worth 0.1 more because on a hill.

Cool! Did you play it that Hills are cumulative? Or no benefit for being on more than one?

I think the rules give no benefit to >1 hill, but I prefer the idea that the guy with two hills beats the buy with just one.

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne - new Edition - Is that true?
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:21:13 PM »
I cannot imagine why they would do this.  The original art is very good quality, and it will be the final straw for some fans who still buy each new expansion even if they only play it a couple times.  Carcassonne is a classic game, but it is very likely on the downward slope of it's popularity in a competitive landscape of other great Euro games.  Changing the art going forward feels like a way to alienate existing fans without growing the fanbase by a meaningful amount.

I'm certainly not buying a new base game to ensure it matches with future expansions.  I probably will stop making tuckboxes if the art changes and they re-release the old expansions while creating new ones.

My 0.02$.

I need to own most of them just to design the tuckboxes!  But in all honesty, I think I have played with every expansion (except crop Circles) at least once.

The new Sheep and hills is quite fun.  I played it with some extremely competitive gamer friends last night and it went well.  Everyone enjoyed how follwers on the hill are worth "a little" more than those who aren't.  We essentially agreed that the follower is worth 0.1 more because on a hill.

If I got the opportunity, I would ask:
- if he has ever played MEGA-CARCASSONNE.
- if he has ever shared photos of his original prototypes of the game.
- did the theme of a castle came first, or the gameplay mechanics?
- did he design the game with expandability in mind, or was the opportunity to make so many great expansions a happy coincidence?
- does he pay any attention to the enthusiasm of the community?  Fan-made expansions, tuckboxes to organize the expansions, the rainbow of meeple colors, etc...
- obvious question: Favorite combination of expansions for experienced gamers.
- considered making any unique expansions for online games - something which isn't possible with static printed tiles.
- other hobbies/interests that inspire new game ideas

Cool opportunity, tell us how it goes!  Signed tiles would be an amazing collectible.

EDIT: Sorry, that's a lot of ?'s...  If I had to pick, i'd be most interested in hearing these two:
- did he design the game with expandability in mind, or was the opportunity to make so many great expansions a happy coincidence?
- considered making any unique expansions for online games - something which isn't possible with static printed tiles.

General / Re: Sneak Peak to our Kickstarter Project!
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:20:02 AM »
new rules and components to make the Kids of Carcassonne game more complex and interesting for adults.

I guess it's time to make more tuckboxes!

News and Events / Re: The Surprising Package
« on: July 19, 2013, 03:38:19 PM »
you are welcome to include the tuckboxes on the site.  That said, the latest version will be uploaded to the BGG site first in the event of further updates.

glad to see the site working again, and the renewed interest of this group!

thanks for updating my account! 

News and Events / Re: The Surprising Package
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:03:21 PM »
Don't forget me!  I've been updating my Carcassonne tile tuckboxes collection for years, and I don't even have a copy of the Windrose expansion!  (I did create a tuckbox for it anyways!)


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