So Friday nights my wife and I usually play our favorite board game carcassonne but we usually do a Mega Car with about 250 Tiles. and we use all the tiles we have from all our expansions:
Base game
Inns and Cathedrals
Traders and Builders
Princess and the Dragon
The Tower
Abbey and Mayor
Japanese Temples
The Labyrinth
The Festival
And we include some off the features in our old art boxes as the new art boxes have not been released:
Bridges,Castles and Bazaars
Hills and Sheep
But that said we have found that we use a certain set of base rules from certain expansions that work well for us below the rules we use from each expansion that work well and dont over complicate the game for us:
Base game -All the Rules Including starting with the River 1 and using Abbots.
Inns and Cathedrals-All the Rules
Traders and Builders-All the Rules including Pig and custom resource tokens:)
Princess and the Dragon-All the Rules
The Tower-NOTHING only the tiles
Abbey and Mayor-All the Rules including the Barn and Mayor but we use the cart as a regular follower
Japanese Temples-All the Rules
The Labyrinth- Custom 2 point rule per tile with no points if not completed at the end(Same as inns)
Watchtowers-All the Rules haha when we remember but this mechanic actually doesn't work well
The Festival - removal removal removal

Bridges,Castles and Bazaars- All Rules but we stay far away from the Bazaars! (Bridges original, castles subbed with custom castle figures)
Hills and Sheep- Only the shepherd, we exclude the hills and vineyards
Our game currently consist out of 243 tiles as some sets are double, and take 2 players around 3 hours to play, each player normally scoring between 400-600 points at the end.
My manege Frei and King,count and robber are on their way will post in a week or two a new version mega carc with those expansions included.
Manege Frei- Horrible game but we will use the tiles and I cannot leave my collection semi complete and use the additional follower
King count and robber- when we play our old art version we usually include, king and robber but not the count rule.
but when we include the expansion 6 we usually do this in games with 4-11 players and we start with the City or carcassonne tiles as a cool starting base and then river 1 and river 2 to start the game, count generally stands in the middle of the map looking cool:)