I recently ordered a bunch of Star Realms: Pact Cutter promos from BoardGameGeekStore.com. However, I incorrectly received a bunch of Terraforming Mars: BGG User-Created Corporation Pack promos instead (
link). After chatting with their excellent support they sent out the correct promos to me and told me I can give these away!
I've seen nice giveaways on Carcassonne Central before and I know these aren't Carcassonne related, but I decided to see if there is interest in these from the users of Carcassonne Central first. I have 4 packs to give away on a first come first serve base. I'll even pay for shipping if it's not getting too costly for me.
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=4062.0